free orchids book

I have just come out of the local library with a used copy of the "field guide to orchids of britian and europe by Karl Peter Buttler" ISBN 1 85223591 9.

Its of no use to me as I have brought it anyway so how wants a free copy. All I ask is that some where along the line you put a quid into a local charity pot when you see one.

no sob stories just a good old fashion laugh will get you the book. I will post it on next monday so you all have a week to entre the book funny story request.


Bushcrafter through and through
May 11, 2007
Pontypool, Wales, Uk
Nice idea.

I was out doing some surveying with a prominent local botanist who was famous for his determination to get everyithing identified correctly, to the exclusing of all else. We were in an upland bog site. Spotting a wolf spider on the ground (I was surveying for spiders) I dropped down to the ground to get it, and the hard pointed tip of a rush went up under my glasses and gouged across my eyeball. I reeled away in lots of pain, clutching my eye, but it took Trevor (the botanist) several minutes to notice my distress. Eventually he asked "Are you alright Mike?", and I replied "No, I'm not. I've just got the tip of one of those hard rushes straight in the eye!"

Trevor looked at me. Then he looked at the rushes. Then he looked at me again.

"That's not Hard Rush, that's Soft Rush"


Full Member
Oct 4, 2008
So .... imagine the scene - there I am with my trousers and underpants around my ankles, hairy legs gettinig a good airing, shirt hanging down and the doctor cupping my testicles in his left hand. "Cough!" he says. Managed to f*rt at the same time didn't I?


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