Fourth overnighter, beginning to get the hang of it?

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Jun 21, 2008
Well it was a week and a half later than planned (first Saturday of the month still being the plan) but that was always going to be ok as long as I got out. Even though I was definitely coming out though I was still running really late and come 4 o'clock I still hadn't even packed a bag, and I wanted to find a new spot. Hmmm.

I quickly ran around, diving into the attic to get my sleeping bag back out and just trusted that I'd have the stuff I needed and set off. Daylight wasn't an issue but I was truly exhausted from work and general life. Every step filled me with relaxation (if that's something you can be filled with) though and 20 minutes later as I topped out in the woods I was ready to branch out and find a new spot. I kind of committed myself when packing though... The new DD tarp M from the group buy wouldn't fit between my usual two trees (no spare space with the 3x4.5) so I had to look.

Trundling off into the more dense woodland off any kind of beaten path I found a bit of a clearing amongst the trees, partly formed by the old machine trails from when it was planted up. I've since decided the "must be rabbit droppings, two small to be deer" almost certainly are deer sign, which is quite exciting! Trip to plant a camera trap is planned for my kids. It didn't however get me away from feeling exhausted.

The other problems were, there was a fair covering of brambles, there wasn't anywhere for a fire and I hadn't bothered with a stove (deliberately). The restorative qualities of being in the woods soon kicked in and about 40 minutes of bramble pulling and rock lugging later I felt genuinely refreshed. Isn't it great to feel straight forward tired, not weary, or stressed, just straight tired.

At this point I decided that I really should have a go at an upside down fire. I've seen a couple on YouTube so really, how tricky can it be! Turns out, with some decent dead standing and my now well loved Boreal21 folding saw, it's really quite simple and proved very successful. A good couple of hours later and I had barely touched it. Very satisfying and produced a great bed of coals to cook a couple of burgers on.

The moon had the decency to put on a bit of a show and glow it's way through a couple of clouds long enough for me to try and capture it with my camera. I'm no cameraman or photographer but it still looked beautiful to me.

Stayed up for ages just looking at the fire before another good nights sleep and a quick (actually, prolonged) bacon and mushroom breakfast and more coffee and tea than in decent it was time to pack up. Even the misty damp morning really couldn't dampen my lifted spirits from such a lovely spot. I feel genuinely lucky to have somewhere that feels so remote and secluded a 20 minute walk from my house. Love it.

If you have a few minutes to spare, have a look.
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Thanks for sharing, never let yourself lose that new feeling, trust me
Nice report bud.
I liked your other camp too...

Thanks Leshy, the other camp is much more user friendly at the moment but just a bit exposed to passing gaze. We still go up for day camps and it has space for others to join me easily so it's never going to be abandoned. Good to have somewhere I can relax even more though...

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Thanks for sharing, never let yourself lose that new feeling, trust me
Wise advice. It's making me feel the same kind of excitement I had exploring the woods as a kid. Adding in some kit and being able to stay over just enhances it! I don't intend letting it go again. Old enough to realise what I'd be losing this time.

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Thanks. Capitalize on the site now that you have the makings of a decent fire pit.
Staring at campfire flames is brain food.
Thank you. I plan to. Could be the spot where my girls come for their first overnight but when if they don't I really felt comfortable there. And yes, camp TV really does refresh the parts that other TVs cannot reach.

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Wise advice. It's making me feel the same kind of excitement I had exploring the woods as a kid. Adding in some kit and being able to stay over just enhances it! I don't intend letting it go again. Old enough to realise what I'd be losing this time.

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I always try to keep this alive in myself, never forget to stop looking, in city and modern life we get so used to our surroundings we unconsciously switch off 90% of our observational awareness, no need to be alert for animal noises and micro movements in your surrounding environment these days where you life depends on it all so all that instinct which you are feeling firing away with it all being new can so easily goes back to dormant state once you get used to it a bit out there, i've seen it happen to many folks and they stop seeing, remind yourself to always look up and down and around and close at things and step back and take in the big picture, think what i am saying is never let your amazement and simple fascinations become desensitised.
Great report, I enjoyed that.
Not as much as I did! For the last couple of trips I've tried to make a video (mainly for me, absolutely no delusions of ability with any kind of camera) and post some kind of report as soon as possible. As though it will be fresher or more accurate or something.
Force of circumstance meant I couldn't rush this time and once I wasn't rushing it turned into something I wanted to do when I felt like it. I am trying to go out and spend time in the woods, and hopefully soon wilds, to relax and enjoy spending time on me. Ironic that I then still managed to try and put pressure on myself to do something as a result!

Still, everyday is a school day (said the primary school teacher on a bank holiday) and I soon expect to be enjoying the reminiscing just as much as the trip :-)


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The "Fire Sprite" in the first photo is brilliant. Horns and all!
You know I hadn't noticed, but it is! I was too busy being annoyed that my phone has automatically HDRd the flames into such an unnatural state.
Bit less annoyed now :-)

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Brilliant report and enjoyed the video. My only thought was about your shorts and tick season starting up. I'm not sure if that woodland is frequented by deer but it may be a good idea to wear longer garments just incase you get bitten, don't want Lyme disease.

Sent from my HTC 10 using Tapatalk
Brilliant report and enjoyed the video. My only thought was about your shorts and tick season starting up. I'm not sure if that woodland is frequented by deer but it may be a good idea to wear longer garments just incase you get bitten, don't want Lyme disease.

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Thank you Nomadliam. I gave up on trousers a while ago just thinking that the consequence would be the occasional brambling but huge gains in comfort. Even now I believe there are deer in those woods it still hadn't occurred that ticks could present a risk. My first aid kit has had tick tweezers in it for ages that I've never needed but you have a point. I should consider the risk properly. I'm sure someone mentioned some kind of Lyme's disease heat map in the other tick thread? Time for a little research...

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