For the engineers - putting a vehicle on Mars!


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
People on mars? Not much point. Immensely expensive - you not only have to get them there, you have to get the fuel there to get them back...

The problems you mention are all true. Not much point? ALL things that they said about landing on the moon during the Apollo program. Frankly, Mars isn't the end motive. It's just the next step. Exploration of another galaxy is the final end motive.


Dec 10, 2009
The problems you mention are all true. Not much point? ALL things that they said about landing on the moon during the Apollo program. Frankly, Mars isn't the end motive. It's just the next step. Exploration of another galaxy is the final end motive.

exactly. as a species we can't survive by sitting on earth doing nothing we'd be just like the one caveman sat at the back of the cave whining about how the fire-thing was too hot


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
You mean another system, don't you? Getting to another galaxy is something that even Captain Kirk hasn't managed to do. :)

Our own system is big and varied enough, lots of interesting stuff out there.

Another system is another step; after Mars; after Titan; after exploring this system) but again, it's not the END goal. I stopped at "another galaxy" only because that's the limit of our knowledge of the Universe for now. Granted it's waaaaaay beyond any known capability for now. But hey, we still keep trying. THAT is the whole point.

And BTW, Kirk did make it to another galaxy. Twice in the original series and once in the movies. So did the Stargate bunch.:D
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Mar 30, 2011
Athens, Greece
Absolutely fantastic achievement, been following this VERY closely and the amount of things that had to work at EXACTLY the right time to complete this mission successfully is astounding.

The negative Neddys are not seeing the wood for the trees.

Sure there are a million reason NOT to do anything in life, if we as a race sat and counted beans rather than push the boundaries of our curiosity then we would have been extinct many many years ago.

What bean counters fail to see is how a man'd mission to Mars would inspire a new generation, inspiration which is dramatically missing in the the generations younger than 40.

We as a species are doomed, everything we have ever done will eventually be obliterated into absolute nothingness.
It won't matter if you were Albert Einstein or Alexander the Great, any feats you will have accomplished will be eradicated when our species, planet and solar system dies.

The ONLY way we as a species can assure long term survival is if we explore, is if we build things not because they make financial and logical sense, but because we can.

The current best theory is that as our universe is expanding it will eventually get to a point where it's expansion will have exceeded all the mass in the universe, when this happens our best guess is that the "Big RIP" will occur.
This will tear everything apart in our universe down to nothingness.

So if we are not out and in another universe by this time, it will simply be as though we as a species never even existed.

Sure we could build a space craft that could travel just below the speed of light.
Problem there is, the edge of our universe is expanding faster than the speed of light, so if we set out tomorrow at the speed of light we'd actually be further away from the edge of the universe the day after.

So our only longggggggggg term hope is to push the boundaries in the hope that we stumble across something we could have only dreamed of like worm hole.
If we don't then as a species it really doesn't matter how much money we made or what we did it will be all torn into a vast nothingness.


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
...What bean counters fail to see is how a man'd mission to Mars would inspire a new generation, inspiration which is dramatically missing in the the generations younger than 40....

IMO This is the single biggest reason to do it.

Andy BB

Full Member
Apr 19, 2010
Brilliant - absolutely brilliant. An incredible engineering achievement to put such a large vehicle on Mars. As for the naysayers, we'd still be living in caves without the drive for engineering and scientific breakthroughs..........

Dunno about oil on Mars, but I can see asteroid mining in the future as we exhaust certain mineral supplies on earth.
Nov 29, 2004
Looks like rough bushcrafting country...


Nov 29, 2004
A video showing the descent to the surface of mars. :)

[video=youtube;gZX5GRPnd4U] v=gZX5GRPnd4U[/video]


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