Food shortage again?

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Pineapple with any sort of savoury food? Come on guys, you are better than this! Hopefully a Mod will come along and lock the thread before any other wildly unsuitable dishes are proposed with a pineapple accompaniment! :)
There’s always a Hawaiiand favorite: pineapple and Spam.
Im going to make my own bolognaise sauce.

A friend gave me a jar from a local butchers...£3. Nope.

I have plenty of tinned toms.

You’d like Nat’s What I Reckon on YouTube. He has strong views on jar sauce, and makes a lovely Bolognese sauce. Can’t publish a link, he’s very sweary. Worth a look for sure
...Obviously hoarding for the sake of it and then throwing out stuff is to be avoided but keeping a decent amount of stock in seems more than sensible to me.

Agree about keeping some stocks - you may get ill and not be able to get out, lose job, etc., let alone Covid lockdown food rush.

I donate my foodstuffs that are getting close to "best before" dates to the local foodbank. No waste then, at least on my part.
Dads supermarket is currently undergoing extreemely major works; this could be the reason behind the empty shelves.

I have not compared it to others yet...I am busy attempting to unpack fifty banana boxes...

I may not keep sane for long
I am busy attempting to unpack fifty banana boxes...

Think I'd be worrying more about uncovering some random Tarantulas.

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Think I'd be worrying more about uncovering some random Tarantulas.

Maaaaany years ago :redface2: I was a member of the Young Wives group at the village Kirk.
We had a programme of 'speakers' who visited throughout the year. Interesting sort of folks, and of a diverse nature. This is rather comfortably off village, and the Young Wives was a very polite group, very lady like.
Anyway, the Speaker who was supposed to turn up took ill, and in his place were sent two of the men who usually worked unloading, sorting and bagging the bananas that came in by boat. Fyffes bananas to be precise. Instead of a heartwarming tale of a company doing well by it's foreign workforce, nutrition, recipes, etc., we were regaled by the tales of spiders, snakes, lizards, huge great beetles, weird things that tucked themselves away in the big stemmed bunches of bananas. How they dealt with them, (badly, kind of Carry On by the sounds of it :rolleyes3: ) how someone lost a finger to a bite that went black, etc.,
Quite enlightening really, and a real hoot on a dreich afternoon. They looked terribly embarrassed to be formally thanked and offered a cup of tea and home baking on the Women's Guild's good china :)
Fair left us a bit wary about the Greengrocer's though.
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Maaaaany years ago :redface2: I was a member of the Young Wives group at the village Kirk.
We had a programme of 'speakers' who visited throughout the year. Interesting sort of folks, and of a diverse nature. This is rather comfortably off village, and the Young Wives was a very polite group, very lady like.
Anyway, the Speaker who was supposed to turn up took ill, and in his place were sent two of the men who usually worked unloading, sorting and bagging the bananas that came in by boat. Fyffes bananas to be precise. Instead of a heartwarming tale of a company doing well by it's foreign workforce, nutrition, recipes, etc., we were regaled by the tales of spiders, snakes, lizards, huge great beetles, weird things that tucked themselves away in the big stemmed bunches of bananas. How they dealt with them, (badly, kind of Carry On by the sounds of it :rolleyes3: ) how someone lost a finger to a bite that went black, etc.,
Quite enlightening really, and a real hoot on a dreich afternoon. They looked terribly embarrassed to be formally thanked and offered a cup of tea and home baking on the Women's Guild's good china :)
Fair left us a bit wary about the Greengrocer's though.

Thanks for that Toddy.
Well , I'm now all set for my Nightmare material...

( dreich ??? )
I began my wine making using California Zinfandel grapes. Hand crank crusher.
The wine was very good and very inexpensive so my grape order increased year after year.
I should have made an inventory of the six-legged and eight-legged stow-aways in the grape bunches.

Our poor little grocery store has little storage space in the back so there's another cause for empty shelves.
Plus a real big jackass display of 50 brands of hot sauce. A shelf better put to food, methinks.
Thanks for that Toddy.
Well , I'm now all set for my Nightmare material...

( dreich ??? )

Dreich.....a long dull, damp, relentlessly grey and gloomy kind of day.
It's a pan northern Europe word. I met (long story, I'll cut it short) with other archaeologists at a conference in Latvia a few years back. It was a right dreich day, and I said so. The Danish lady agreed and said her version of the same word, and the Swedish lady said something that sounded like, "Ja, dreechen". The Norwegian lady just nodded in full understanding :)

Sorry about the nightmares, I admit it took a while for us not to look very warily at a bunch of bananas, let alone the boxes stacked up in the Greengrocer's.
The men from Fyffes seemed quite happy to be sent home with a selection of home baking though, and since bananas was the theme....everything from loaf to scones and banana cream pies.

  • Haha
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Does K cause insanity?

Anyhow no crawlies; though I did find a small brown spider in one when I was packing which I put out without a fuss.

Unpacking bananas must be a hoot. But not for me, Im not a great eater of bananas.

I went into Aldis, this morning, no bare shelves.

I think my Dad is overeacting
We bought some extra shelving recently, lots of basics from Costco but over lockdown my wife was ordering Kilner jars like she had shares. Now the garden is turning over (it's turning chilly up here already) the stuff she has made is great.

I am liking this planning and storing like we used to, I am really enjoying rarely going into shops again. I may keep it up.
I tried looking up Kirk Hall but aside from people with that name, the only venue I got was in Douglas County fairgrounds. I’m certain that’s not the one you mean @Toddy.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.