Flash Flood Tragedy


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
I received a shock this afternoon when I learnt that the people I had been speaking with a few days ago when I was in Indonesia were involved in a flash flood tragedy.

While fording a river, the group lost a student and the guide.



There is always a reluctance of guides to disappoint people by turning around a group and I have the highest opinion of those who do decide to turn around a group. It takes moral courage to do that when you are likely to face questioning by your own boss and possibly very upset clients.

I’ve never had to unilaterally call off a trip or crossing but have usually waited to watch the river or assess conditions and use the time to explain to the group what the options are. Its not just about safe crossing but a safe retraction should other events require it

I’m not saying that happened here but the conditions must have been marginal if an experienced guide drowned and his body was battered severely.

Conditions in the same general area were bad as this other link shows



What are your experiences, if any, of groups being turned around, or not in doubtful situations?


Full Member
Sep 12, 2003
There was that time we did ran the Jungle survival course for the Malaysian Nature Society remember? Where I crossed the river to my camp to have a quick brew and nap during the midday break, during which the river (which had been ankle deep) rose substantially, cutting off my return. So I was stuck on one side with the students and co-instructor on the other, very embarrassing, luckily it didn’t last long!
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