Fitted out the Apache

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May 12, 2007
Derby, UK
Well just fitted out the Apache hull from Stu, and am now a member of the club,took it for its first spin on the Derwent and well impressed,back again tommorow and will post some more pics with Maxine having a go iun it cheers







mick miller

Full Member
Jan 4, 2008
Hmmm, posture sprung seats! Very comfy. Looks like another quality job from your hand, I hope you get many hours of freedom and pleasure from it. I have to say, canoeing appeals to me very much, not kayaking so much but definitely the canoe, I can see one of those working well in tandem with a lure rod.

Thing is, I have no idea where to start or what to buy, or whether I need lessons first, best get over onto SOTP!
May 12, 2007
Derby, UK
Thing is, I have no idea where to start or what to buy, or whether I need lessons first, best get over onto SOTP!
Hi Mick, SOTP is the best place to go, in my opinion. If you're good at fitting out a canoe Stu, from Apache is the man to buy the hull from.

The seats are good and low, looks like they would aid stability by keeping the centre of gravity down.
Hi Mike, yes the seats are low, for stability/reassurance for Maxine :D as it makes a hell of a lot of difference.

Thanks again all

rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Well, I didn't see that one coming:D looks like you've got the bug now Bernie!
Really like what you've done with the seats and general fitting out.:cool:
Are you planning fitting her with any buoyancy bags or blocks?
I know anno had separate compartments in case you went over, there again; what are apaches made of?:confused: She may not need any extra flotation.

You did a great job on that Bernie , I really like those seats , I could use some like that myself as I cant kneel or bend my gimpy leg under the seat lol.
Anyway we will have to sort out a day when we can get out for a paddle Firebreather and Stu get out quite often and I join them from time to time so I will let you know next time there is one going,
May 12, 2007
Derby, UK
Cheers Spam, no i forget to take pics of the progress but its quite easy really.

Hi Singeblister yep we'll have to sort a meet up out,and with me being so tall thats why i made the seats low like that,as i can't kneel either.

boats on me roofrack now, but raining so dont think i'll be taking it for another test run today.



Jan 26, 2007
May 12, 2007
Derby, UK
Couldn't get out yesterday coz of the rain,but went out this morning to try the canoe out again.
Some pics of maxine getting used to it,then i joined her and we both paddled up river a good couple of miles,against the current and the canoe handles brill,coming back with the current was even better:D
Stu's canoes are well worth the money,and if you can fit one out yourself are a bargain,looking forward now to some meetups to get more experiance,




John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
That looks good - yet it is a very unusaul way of fitting seat!
Most canoe seats are hung from the gunnels and this leaves room for you to tuck your legs under for a kneeling position (the most stable in a canoe).
Is there a reason that you have not hung the seats? I am not critisising just intrigued!
As a level four coach this is the first time I have seen a canoe fitted out this way - it looks very strong and well made and I like the wood - but I like to kneel, as well as sit, stand, walk around etc. so I guess this is not a style that would suit my personal needs.
Well done though and happy paddling!
May 12, 2007
Derby, UK
That looks good - yet it is a very unusaul way of fitting seat!
Most canoe seats are hung from the gunnels and this leaves room for you to tuck your legs under for a kneeling position (the most stable in a canoe).
Is there a reason that you have not hung the seats? I am not critisising just intrigued!
As a level four coach this is the first time I have seen a canoe fitted out this way - it looks very strong and well made and I like the wood - but I like to kneel, as well as sit, stand, walk around etc. so I guess this is not a style that would suit my personal needs.
Well done though and happy paddling!

Hi John
I fitted it out like that as i'm too tall to kneel,and i find it very uncomfortable to kneel when paddling,i lowered them to not hang off the gunwales and to get us sitting at the same hight as kneeling,for the works well for Maxine and me and we both feel confident in the canoe,i tried Stu's Apache with the seats hanging from the gunwhales,and felt it was a bit tippy,so came up with the idea.I think we both will have to come down when you've got some spare time for some tuition.

May 12, 2007
Derby, UK
That looks good - yet it is a very unusaul way of fitting seat!
Most canoe seats are hung from the gunnels and this leaves room for you to tuck your legs under for a kneeling position (the most stable in a canoe).
Is there a reason that you have not hung the seats? I am not critisising just intrigued!
As a level four coach this is the first time I have seen a canoe fitted out this way - it looks very strong and well made and I like the wood - but I like to kneel, as well as sit, stand, walk around etc. so I guess this is not a style that would suit my personal needs.
Well done though and happy paddling!

Hi John
I fitted it out like that as i'm too tall to kneel,and i find it very uncomfortable to kneel when paddling,i lowered them to not hang off the gunwales and to get us sitting at the same hight as kneeling,for the works well for Maxine and me and we both feel confident in the canoe,i tried Stu's Apache with the seats hanging from the gunwhales,and felt it was a bit tippy,so came up with the idea.I think we both will have to come down when you've got some spare time for some tuition.


John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Do you sit cross legged all the time? Or do you sit Knees-up at all?
I am interested on what you find comfortable as I have damaged knees and ankles and find moving around is the only way I can stay comfortable on longer trips - kneeling is only one option!
May 12, 2007
Derby, UK
Do you sit cross legged all the time? Or do you sit Knees-up at all?
I am interested on what you find comfortable as I have damaged knees and ankles and find moving around is the only way I can stay comfortable on longer trips - kneeling is only one option!

Today when we paddled a couple of miles,i paddled cross legged for a bit then legs spread out down each side and found it comfy.



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