Fishing Trip and Camp Out


Full Member
Jun 24, 2008
St. Helens
Unfortunately due to my good friend Mat being held up at work we didn't get to our fishing spot on Anglesey until just before dark. I had hoped to bag a load of mackerel in the sunshine and cook them back at camp before retiring next to a fire. It turned into more of a night angling session than a bushcrafting trip really.

Mat had got hold of a decent tent for himself and I opted for a tarp. I was beginning to regret not bringing my tent too because the wind was much stronger than forecast and there was no cover anywhere, a really exposed position. It's actually on a disused MOD firing range.

In the rush to wet my line I set up my tarp a bit hasty. This worried me when the weather turned later whilst fishing!


We didn't have the most productive catch, at least nothing we could keep to eat anyway. Mat was first in with a dogfish. it was good to see him smile after what's probably been the worst year of his life. He hadn't caught anything on the last few attempts and the last thing I wanted was a long drive home next day with a disappointed angler.


He caught another one not long after and I weighed in with three myself and a few small whiting, all returned to fight another day. Not exactly what i was hoping for but at least we didn't blank!

The weather turned nasty so we headed back to camp and settled down for the night. My tarp was flapping noisily for a while so I ended up shortening the bivi pole and that sorted it. Next morning I was glad I opted for the tarp. The extra room meant we could both get underneath it out of the rain and sort breakfast out. It looks like I'm setting fire to the grass here but it's fine, honest!


Sorry there aren't more pics but the weather and timing wasn't really conducive to photography. We both had a great time though, it's always good to get out for a night.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.