Tensahedron Hammock Stand!
Regarding finding places, it might be interesting to read the latter portion of this thread as a gauge of folks' views on just finding quiet spots.
My own experience has been that steep hillside locations often have trees and hammocks work there. The reality though is that hammocks in the UK are not really good unless you have a known regular location that you have permission to use. It is hard to find campsites, or sites along a trail, where a hammock will work more conveniently than a small tent or ground tarp.
Hammocks were popularised by folk doing the Appalachian trail, lots of forest, lots of hills, not many flat spots. Also, at a time that tents were heavier. The Eastern US has some nasty spiders, snakes, ticks and other bugs, and high summer humidity, so again hammocks could be nicer than an open tarp on the ground. Very different from our open hills.
I love my hammock, but I recognise it has limitations. It was great in the forest of Norway and Sweden, and of course in the jungle, but was something of a PITA in the western USA unless I was in a forested area, when it became great again.