We have
First Aid at Work which is a 3 day course, approved by the
Health & Safety Executive ( HSE ) - this sounds like your Occupation First Aid/Workplace Level 3 - and the
Emergency First Aid at Work which is a lesser, 1 day course. What level of training you need and how many first aiders at each level depends on your level of risk. The HSE have a useful 'ready reconner' to advise on this:
Outside of the workplace there are 101 courses from almost as many awarding bodies. Whilst they may be sold to different markets or presented differently there is some similiarity between all of them: Some offer very short 4 hr courses which is just Unconscious person and CPR. They all offer a '1 Day' course and a more involved '2 Day' course. These are typically called
Basic or
Emergency courses (although some call the 1 Day '
Basic' and the 2 Day '
Emergency'...and vise versa so forget about the names just worry about the number of days the course is.
Some providers or awarding bodies offer
Advanced courses and these do differ quite a bit in terms of content and intended market.
So.. No prescribed uniformity or continuity between providers/awarding bodies but you will find introductory a 1/2 day, 1 Day or 2 Day course being offered by them all.
The 3 Day course is the only one recognised by the Health & Safety Executive in the Workplace. At this stage there is very little between any provider.
On advance courses you should look to a provider which specialises in your interest.
Hope this makes sense.
Getting back OT. Here is my perspective on
First Aid Kits. Comments welcome.