First Aid Course Arundel West Sussex

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.


Dec 7, 2003
West Sussex
Forest Knights are running a 2 day 16 hour outdoor first aid course 2nd- 3rd March 2019

This fully certified course will take you from novice first wider to a confident and competent first person on scene. Our courses are designed specifically for those working and travelling in the outdoors. The course is designed for those that maybe more than 60 minutes from help.

Whether you are a bushcrafter, a paddler or a mountaineer you will get something from our course. The course also fits the criteria for the Forestty Commissions F Plus Award.

Subjects covered.


First Aid and the UK Laws. Health and Safety at Work Act. First Aid Regulations etc.

UK RESUS Council Guidlines.

Principals of First Aid in remote locations.

Leadership and communication.

Primary Assessment

Secondary Assessment

Focussed Assessments and Distracting Injury.

Breathing & Circulation

Principals of Resuscitation ABCDE

Airway Obstruction / Airway Management

Casualty Simulations and demonstrations will continue throughout the day and into the evening.

Fractures and Soft Tissue Injuries

Crush Injuries.


DAY 2.
Group Discussion.

Disorders of Consciousness and Head Injury

Disorders of Circulation

Casualty Simulation.

Bleeding and wound management including use of tourniquets.

Evacuation Techniques

Tick Bourne Infections etc



Final Assessment. Whilst there is no examination on our intermediate course we feel strongly that group leaders and those travelling to remote locations carry a responsibility to be able to act quickly and effectively should the worst happen. Therefore to ensure you receive a Forest Knights certificate we need to ensure that every candidate has the skills understanding to make the correct choices to ensure the best possible outcome.

Usual price on our Website is £100.

BCUK members £70.00 er person.

Camping is free on site. Refreshments provided however this is a self catered course.

Numbers are strictly limited so if you’re interested let me know ASAP.
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Reactions: MrEd and Nomad64
Thanks Ed.

Forestknights have run several courses for BCUK. The feedback has always been excellent.

First aid in the outdoors is an essential skill. I’m surprised there isn’t more interest from this community.
Thanks Ed.

Forestknights have run several courses for BCUK. The feedback has always been excellent.

First aid in the outdoors is an essential skill. I’m surprised there isn’t more interest from this community.

Me to to be honest.

First aid in the woods/outdoors is very different to first aid at work etc.

Will talk to you about it at te next meet, I am well versed in emergency medicine and so on but could do with some refresher on specific wilderness skills - been a long time since I did my pre-hospital stuff
Some photos from the weekends First Aid Course.

We run courses throughout the year and will be offering a 1 Day outdoor first aid course at this years Bushmoot.


The calm before the storm. Freya yet to make her presence known.


First major incident of the course. A stabbing victim wanders in the woods unannounced.


First Aid is more that just treating the physical. Here the candidates are treating a suicidal casualty.


Good communication is essential 60 second handover


Simple carry.


Single person spinal log roll practice.
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Reactions: MrEd and Nomad64
How much does the 1 day first aid cost at the moot? Is it certified? Will it be during the core days? Is it a basic course or outdoors orientated? I'm planning on going this year and I'd be very interested in doing it as my first aid certification has lapsed over the last couple of years.. sorry to load you with so many questions.
The first aid course at the Moot will be an outdoors course. Successful students will receive a certificate.

Scheduling of the course is up to Tony. The prebook Moot Courses are generally not on core days.

This course will take your basic first aid skills to the next level. Those with first aid knowledge will get a lot of outdoor focussed medical knowledge and those with less experience will still learn lots and have a great day.

I'm designing the Moot course to totally focus on the outdoor skills neeeded to manage a casualty etc.
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Reactions: Woody girl and MrEd
Thank you for the info. Just need to know date and cost perhaps nearer the time. Looking forward to being there.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.