Firebox nano


New Member
Jul 18, 2012
Sussex, UK

I've been a lurker here for a few years, but I've never posted. I'm afraid that I'm posting this to the wrong place, so please correct me if I'm wrong.

I've been a follower of the Firebox Nano on Kickstarter for a bit, and have just got mine!

Disclaimer: I've been off work for a couple of days with man flu, and have tonight played about with a stove in the back garden. Poking about with sticks and getting all wood fire smelling :)

Anyhoo, I think this thing is epic. I've tried alcohol stoves, trangia, esbit, sticks. All seem to be great.

TBH, the woodfire aspect of it seems a little too much hard work. It requires a lot of attendance. But, it does lend itself to a VERY good base for other fire kits (as above). I'm going to order a Vargo XE to try in it. I also had a very good boil test from a Minibulldesign M2-SB.

Any questions on this stove, please ask. And I apologise if there is already a thread open. I did search, but found nothing.



Full Member
Apr 8, 2013
West Wales

Saw this on kickstarter but it had already ended. Looked like a nice pocket sized piece of kit in fairness


Dec 20, 2010
South West, UK
Hi, I have the Ti version on order (via Kickstarter), did you have to pay megabucks in duties like others have mentioned. I thought as a backer the the item wouldn't be subject to taxes etc.



Jun 22, 2009
i like the look of it but in the video i noticed he is very gingerly moving pots or placing wood in which makes me think its not so stable how does it shape up in terms of stability?


Full Member
Aug 14, 2013
Northwest Scotland
Looks a good wee bit of kit for keeping a wee fire off the ground and or containing it on a windy day.

Little fires are a faff requiring constant maintenance etc, but the fuel is free and that little box will double as a burner holder, I like it. I normally build a little stone hearth for both fires and my burner, on occasion I've used an old food tin with vent holes, works well, but not foldable and likely not as stable, one won't be balancing dutch ovens on that but a food tin will take a trangia kettle & pot easily enough etc.

Pricy though @$ 40+ postage. Still I could see something like that working for me so I'll add it to my christmas list and see if any of my rellies are feeling flush.


Apr 16, 2009
Hi, I have the Ti version on order (via Kickstarter), did you have to pay megabucks in duties like others have mentioned. I thought as a backer the the item wouldn't be subject to taxes etc.


'Fraid it doesn't work like that. A company cant "let you off" paying tax. The taxes are collected by Her Majestys Revenue and Customs at this end. They are charged at VAT rate plus an admin fee on any items entering the EU from outside it. It basically the reason you can just change the $ sign to a £ sign on most items. By the time postage, import costs, tax and duty have been paid the price is upped significantly.

i like the look of it but in the video i noticed he is very gingerly moving pots or placing wood in which makes me think its not so stable how does it shape up in terms of stability?

I agree it looks a little unstable in the vid. I have an unused Ti Emberlit Mini that I think would be much more stable. I saw an Emberlit (normal size, stainless version) with a 5 little Le Creuset cast iron casserole dish on it. I've also seen a vid review where someone puts a 25 litre plastic drum of water on one with no problem at all.

Bear in mind I haven't seen a Firebox though, but have seen every incarnation of the Emberlit and have been impressed by the strength of them.


Full Member
Aug 14, 2013
Northwest Scotland
'Fraid it doesn't work like that. A company cant "let you off" paying tax. The taxes are collected by Her Majestys Revenue and Customs at this end. They are charged at VAT rate plus an admin fee on any items entering the EU from outside it. It basically the reason you can just change the $ sign to a £ sign on most items. By the time postage, import costs, tax and duty have been paid the price is upped significantly.

Thats very true, however one can order from outside the EU and have it sent via the post direct duty & vat free. Some outfits, Cabelas for example, will calculate the duty and add it to the price then add the cost of postage, if duty is applicable, I say applicable because I've never had duty applied on orders with a value under $150 USD.

Even if duty is applied from external EU suppliers, there's no VAT added. If you go through say a UK business, they have to import it, pay the duty then add on their margin, and then charge VAT @ 20% on the whole lot.

That said, there is the postage which can be, mighty.


Full Member
Apr 12, 2008
I agree it looks a little unstable in the vid. I have an unused Ti Emberlit Mini that I think would be much more stable. I saw an Emberlit (normal size, stainless version) with a 5 little Le Creuset cast iron casserole dish on it. I've also seen a vid review where someone puts a 25 litre plastic drum of water on one with no problem at all.

Bear in mind I haven't seen a Firebox though, but have seen every incarnation of the Emberlit and have been impressed by the strength of them.

I've just made one myself, & that takes a 20ltr plastic jerrycan full of water stood on it no problem.



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