Fire steel


Jun 16, 2008
South of England
Your right!:cool:

I bought a fireflash from Woodlore, about 6 or maybe even 7 years ago now (IIRC:eek: ) and it has seen extended and heavy use in that time and has never let me down.
It's getting a bit worn now mind you:D

I expect someone might be along shortly, to tell us that the LMF and Fireflash are identical but I'll continue to use my Fireflash and dish out LMF's to our students:p

cheers again


I suspect (although I can't prove it) that LMF and the woodlore versions are the same, with a slightly modified handle. I have the woodlore one, simply because it was slightly cheaper. when I lost my first one (dunno how I managed that) I got a second.


Jan 5, 2009
Kansas USA
This is completely off the subject of firesteels, (so stab me in the groin with my own Mora clipper, if you feel like it.) But, I just thought i would mention a youtube video that i stumbled across the other day.

It was about how to start a fire with a nine volt battery. (That's the rectangular one with both the + and the - poles at the same end.)

First obtain a pad of 0000 steel wool (I think you call it something else in Britain, but I think you know what I mean). Then simply stroke it slowly with the two poles of the battery. It will immediately burst into flame.

How it works. The fine threads of steel wool that are making contact between the two poles are carrying more current than they can tolerate and they immediately heat up and ignite.

I thought it was pretty cool. and a possible easy way to start a fire in an emergency. By the way, you probably already know this but you can submerge a piece of steel wool in water, take it out and shake off the excess water and it will still ignite to a spark.


Well...I only have experience with two brands. I bought the light my fire brand first and was happy with it to start it throws good sparks...then got even more happy with it after designing a new striker knife which made it throw AWESOME sparks. But I have tried the "" firesteel also, and it doesn't throw near the sparks as the other... but when I do manage to get it to throw A spark by golly it's a SPARK!

I tried a Swedish Fire Steel and was OK, but as a project with my 14 year old son I got 2 packs of the assorted blanks from in USA ( from a mini survival one to the Armageddon but didnt dare have a Bunker one sent) and had them delivered to the kids home in Oz ( divorced, and a hell of a commute to see the kids ).

We mounted them in some Tasmanian Oak and carved the handles to conform with the commercially available ones.

As you said the spark can sometimes be hard to get, but using the firesteel striker its easier, especially after the dark outer coating is worn through.

Now all I need to do is file the Mora back to the same shape as the firesteel striker.
Jul 5, 2009
As you said the spark can sometimes be hard to get, but using the firesteel striker its easier, especially after the dark outer coating is worn through.
Yep, once the outer coating has worn off sparks galore! Not sure if this coating is an accidental by product of the manufacturing process or deliberate, to help with storage etc.


I think its an oxidised layer, that most reactive metals get... but I could be wrong ( thats quite usual for me )
Is there really any difference between fire steels or are they all pretty similar?

I have to say that the as I could not get a spark with my knife and the kind edge of the scraper I have been left massacring mine with the toothed part... not good!


There are huge differences and different techniques for different ferro rods. I like the controllability of the LMF brand but in some tinders I like the big molten (jumping) globs of burning steel that the ones by and the Bobcat brand sold by throw.

Yes, as previously mentioned some are just garbage. I have never been let down by a LMF firesteel though.
Yep, once the outer coating has worn off sparks galore! Not sure if this coating is an accidental by product of the manufacturing process or deliberate, to help with storage etc.

The LMF firesteels say on the package that it is a coating painted on because the are so sensitive to corrosion and oxidation. DON'T EVER carry one in your front pants pocket all day if you are going to sweat a lot.


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