Fenton.....FENTON FENTON.......


Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 5, 2011
West Riding
just had a Fenton moment :eek:
Anyone else had the same.....
I was out (still am) having a mooch with my hound, abaht 600yards off down the field edge, a roe came from the tree line , grazing the headland as it moved. My dog was running free in the field with his nose down on a trail.
I'm looking at the deer, looking at the dog......thinking ? Next thing his pace picked up and started moving in the deers direction.....here we go I thought.....this could end in trouble :rolleyes:

Luckily , but still inviting trouble....up gets Jack (hare) a hundred yards in front of my hound.....an so the course began....well, I say course.....more of a follow lol. Up and down the plough they ran, after a few minutes of exercise, he returned blowing hard like the fat house dog he is at present.

Before I could get him on the lead, down goes his head and off he trots on the fresh scent of deer....:eek:
Wind in his face, and not hearing me, 2minutes tracking and he's put it up in a wet spinney.
Across the valley, over the road and its in the hands of Woden . I legged it up the valley, running back n forth along the road on a crest with hope in my heart neither would be hit by a car. After ten minutes whistling and trying to track them ....he's returned. No sign of contact and no injuries....gud elth :thumbup:
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Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 5, 2011
West Riding
Not quite the same exposure and I didn't run at the same pace lol, but replace Fenton for Hitler and ......just imagine :p
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Dec 3, 2005
Yep had that moment a couple of years ago on the beach at Winterton in Norfolk, my springer slipped his lead and the local colony of little terns was nesting, well the adults fly low to the ground to draw predators away from the nests and well he thought this is fun and spent twenty minutes chasing Turns around the beach. A couple came up to us and said do you know who's dog that is well I had to be honest and say never seen it before!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now a few things came to mind run, but the little Sh*t is chipped, dig a hole for me and my wife or the one I thought most appropriate at the time was I wish I had my shotgun with me now...................Luck had it he got tired and came back, slipped the lead on and we were off, couldn't tell him off but wanted to wring his neck though, could see the funny side.


Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 5, 2011
West Riding
Yep had that moment a couple of years ago on the beach at Winterton in Norfolk, my springer slipped his lead and the local colony of little terns was nesting, well the adults fly low to the ground to draw predators away from the nests and well he thought this is fun and spent twenty minutes chasing Turns around the beach. A couple came up to us and said do you know who's dog that is well I had to be honest and say never seen it before!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now a few things came to mind run, but the little Sh*t is chipped, dig a hole for me and my wife or the one I thought most appropriate at the time was I wish I had my shotgun with me now...................Luck had it he got tired and came back, slipped the lead on and we were off, couldn't tell him off but wanted to wring his neck though, could see the funny side.

Priceless :thumbup: thanks for sharing and give him a rub behind the ears from me :thumbup:

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Feb 26, 2009
East Kilbride
Problem with deer is they don't go to ground like an obliging fox will, but will run & run
Lost my dog overnight 2 years ago whilst he was chasing a deer
Spent most of the night looking for him & had to give up & drive home, the whole family was in mourning as we feared the worse
When I got back to my home the answering machine was flashing
He'd turned up outside a house in the middle of a town 5 miles from where Id last seen him.The owner said she opened
her back door to see a dog sitting on her step,he jumped inside curled up on her leather couch & fell asleep
I was so relieved to get a call from her. My sister went to collect the wee swine to find him still asleep on the woman's sofa
He was as stiff as a board all day, Id love to know where he was all that night :)
He doesn't get off the lead in that area anymore.


Mar 21, 2011
Northern Ireland
Just saw that video for the first time, absolutely hilarious, thee hardest i have laughed in a while. We had a similar situation with our dog chasing the neighbours cat round the neighbourhood, she saw the cat and just bolted, my brother went running around shouting "Booboo BOOBOO BOOBOO" I stood and laughed at him.
Great thread



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