

Full Member
Mar 22, 2006
lancashire, north west england
I have found a few trees with ripe Elderberries close to where I live.

After searching the tinternet for ideas to use this fruit for I have come across two sites that seem to offer totally different opinions of the fruit.

There is this one that says BLACK Elderberries are fine to use raw (not RED as I know that these are poisonous) http://www.danish-schnapps-recipes.com/elderberry.html Now I wouldn't mind making this scnapps but don't want to suffer the side affects listed below after drinking it.

Then there is this site which warns against using the raw berries and the juice as it will cause vomiting and diarrhoea :eek: . http://www.shee-eire.com/Herbs,Trees&Fungi/Trees/Elder/Factsheet1.htm

Has any-one had the EXPERIENCE of eating or using these berries raw with no ill effect? Remember that it is the BLACK ones I am interested in, and not the RED ones.

Thanks in advance....Stu


Nov 23, 2004
sxmolloy said:
I have found a few trees with ripe Elderberries close to where I live.

After searching the tinternet for ideas to use this fruit for I have come across two sites that seem to offer totally different opinions of the fruit.

There is this one that says BLACK Elderberries are fine to use raw (not RED as I know that these are poisonous) http://www.danish-schnapps-recipes.com/elderberry.html Now I wouldn't mind making this scnapps but don't want to suffer the side affects listed below after drinking it.

Then there is this site which warns against using the raw berries and the juice as it will cause vomiting and diarrhoea :eek: . http://www.shee-eire.com/Herbs,Trees&Fungi/Trees/Elder/Factsheet1.htm

Has any-one had the EXPERIENCE of eating or using these berries raw with no ill effect? Remember that it is the BLACK ones I am interested in, and not the RED ones.

Thanks in advance....Stu

Yeah I have eaten them raw, but they are much better with or in other stuff. I could imagine they would cause probs if eaten in quantity :eek:


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
There's another thing about Elders. They're all different. Some smell really strongly of cat pee, and that scent taints everything made from the flowers; but some smell of an almost perfumy sweetness and those are the trees that I try to gather flourish from. The berries on the latter can be a bit bland though :confused: Try to do a taste test form several different trees and see what you think.



Full Member
Mar 22, 2006
lancashire, north west england
I'm not 100% sure I want to risk this straight away after reading throught the threads (thanks Toddy, I did do a search but only had a very quick browse through and obviously missed the info :dunno: ).

The main reason I wanted the berries was for the schnapps in the link above. I'm think my best plan of action is to pick a handful, give them a good wash and sit on the loo with a bucket at my feet while I eat them :lmao: :lmao:

This way if I do suffer from sickness and diarrhoea at least I will be prepared :rolleyes:

Just bee reading up further on these and apparently the leaves can make a good insect repellent. Quote from botanical.com

"The leaves, bruised, if worn in the hat or rubbed on the face, prevent flies settling on the person. In order to safeguard the skin from the attacks of mosquitoes, midges and other troublesome flies, an infusion of the leaves may be dabbed on with advantage. Gather a few fresh leaves from the elder, tear them from their stalks and place them in a jug, pouring boiling water on them and covering them at once, leaving for a few hours. When the infusion is cold, it is fit for use and should be at once poured off into a bottle and kept tightly corked. It is desirable to make a fresh infusion often."

This may prove quite useful whilst out and about.

Thanks again and atb....Stu.

PS If I dont post for a few days I think you will know why !! :eek: :D


Feb 14, 2006
bromley kent uk
Made elderberry wine with no problems tasted quite a few raw (less than a hand full at a time )again no problems . Often the trees that make the best elderflower wine make the worst elderberry just dont go mad with the quantities as they are very tannic . ;)


May 8, 2006
Yeah, ripe elderberries taste good raw (never had problems with eating a handful at most), but the best thing I do with them is make jam from a mixture of elderberries and finely chopped apples (weight ratio 1:1). The elderberries taste so strong that you will hardly taste the apples :)

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