I know all the following occur within 10 minutes walk though I dare say there are many others that I haven't noticed yet.
Hazel, hawthorn, rowan, sloe, damsons, elder, nettles, sorrel, chickweed, garlic mustard, golden saxifrage, meadowsweet, bramble, raspberry, wood sorrel, pignut, ground elder, heather, bilberry, cleavers, comfrey, yarrow, burdock, dandelion, ramsons,
parasol, shaggy parasol, field mushroom, various boletes, puffball, stinkhorn?
Squirrel, pigeon, brown trout, rabbit (scarce), brown hare (occasionally) and there are crayfish in the river but they are native so out of bounds.
Of course if it was an emergency then the easiest source of meat would be sheep or cow.