True to a point. Question is how they will be killed. If poisoned or gassed then they might not be safe for consumption.
On the other hand if they're hunted and shot, then why are those the only two choices? Couldn't they just as easily be processed for dog food or swine food?
Getting into the realms of fantasy here.
We are talking specifically about Badgers in relation to the new rules in the UK with regards to culling.
As both poisoning and gassing is illegal i think it's fair to say we are not talking about these instances.
Personally if i kill something i really try to make as much use of it as i can.
There are exceptions like rats, cats, etc that are not really palatable for me, in those cases they'll be dog food.
As Badgers are supposedly good eating, then i'm of the view IF they are going to be killed they should be eaten.
Just because we can kill and eat anything, it doesn't mean we have to kill and eat everything.
IF it's going to be shot then in my view it's better it's eaten, than just thrown in a ditch.