Dutch Army Poncho

I got hold of a Dutch Army Poncho from Endy's and since I have had it I have never realised there was a pocket for it to go in :eek:
On that pocket there are instructions or a note of some kind, however it is in Dutch and unfortunately I cannot read Dutch.

Just wondering if anyone else out there knows the translation of the label? I can type it out here if needed.

The first line is....

1 Doel Gebruik tijdens diensten onder (zeer) natte omstandigheden

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks resnikov.

Just popped it into the translator but some words are not recognised. But i am surpised how good it has become since I last used an online translator a few years back.

So for those interested.....

Dutch Label

1 Doel
Gebruik tijdens diensten onder (zeer) natte omstandigheden

2. Gebruik
Kan over de helm aangetrokken worden
Rond de taille te bevestigen
Gelaatsopening verstelbaar
Om de polsen te sluiten door middel van drukknopen

3. Toepassingen
Koppelen met andere poncho's (opberghoezen aan dezelfde kant), Afdak
In combinatie met harnas en rugzak (onder de poncho)

4. Opbergen
In opberghoes proppen
In opberghoes vouwen (= kleiner volume)
in elk geval droog opbergen

5 Onderhoud
Reinigen volgens aanwijzingen op het innaai-etik et.

Niet gebruiken in de buurt van warmtebronnen, open vuur en draaiende / bewegende stukken

English Translation

1 Purpose
Use during services under (very) wet

2. Use
May be attracted to the helmet
Around the waist to confirm
Adjustable Face Opening
To the wrists to close by snaps

3. Applications
Rain Protection
Connect with other ponchos (storage covers on the same side), Shelter
In conjunction with armor and backpack (under the poncho)

4. Store
In opberghoes stuff
In storage bag folding (= less volume)
In any case, dry storage

5 Maintenance
Cleaning according to the instructions on the jacket-etik et.

Do not use near heat sources, open flames and spinning / moving parts

ex-member Raikey

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 4, 2010
Hey Pandabean,..

i have the rubberised german poncho,...

my young lad uses it as his tarp, or i use it as a secondary gear tarp when out for more than a day,..

just curious,..whats your plans with yours?

i have never worn mine as a poncho,...i had it in my day sack in town the other week,,,,it was raining hard,...i got wet ,....silly really cos i,m no fashion victim but dint seem right for town,...

i would probably have been stopped at the trainstation and checked for weopons,...lol


Full Member
Dec 3, 2009
I can help you with that! The translation is a good one just added a few things.

1 Purpose
Use during services under (very) wet circumstances

2. Use
Can be attracted over to the helmet
Can be attached to the waist.
Adjustable Face Opening
To close the wrists use the snaps

3. Applications
Rain Protection
Connect with other ponchos (storage covers on the same side), Shelter
In conjunction with armor and backpack (under the poncho)

4. Store
Stuff it into the storage bag.
Folding it nicely in the storage back (= less volume)
In any case, store it dry

5 Maintenance
Cleaning according to the instructions on the jacket-ticket et.

Do not use near heat sources, open flames and spinning / moving parts

If you have any more. I am glad to help!


Nov 23, 2008
Kings Lynn
i have one of these if its the camo one, very pleased with it and have used it a few times for sitting on and temp shelters. got it sold as seen for a tenner haning in a surplus shop, just had a couple of repairs and a pin ***** sized hole in it, easy repair. nice and light too, more like the us army one.cant get it back into its pocket tho.
Raikey - I haven't used it much, one time I did use it it was very windy and heavy rain, found it more of a hinderance with it getting in the way. I guess it may help to button up the sides. It did keep me dry when I have used it and found it fine. I haven't used it as a shelter yet, might give it a go next year.
I know what you mean about wearing it on the high street but I live out in the countryside, so very few people around and no one seems to bother, as i found out last year when someone ski'd along our road. I think I would feel the same as you in the city but mine is the camo version, so would stand out a bit more.

Thanks Pepperana, makes sense. :) Always better with a human translation than a computer one.
A slightly more nuanced translation:

1 Purpose
Use during operations under (very) wet circumstances

2. Use
Can be pulled on over the helmet
Can be tied around the waist
Adjustable face opening
To close the wrists, use the snaps

3. Applications
Rain Protection
Connect with other ponchos (storage covers on the same side), Shelter
In conjunction with armor and backpack (under the poncho)

4. Store
Stuff it into the storage bag.
Folding it neatly in the storage bag (= less volume)
In every instance, store it dry

5. Maintenance
Clean according to the instructions on the label.

Do not use near heat sources, open flames and spinning / moving parts


Raikey - I haven't used it much, one time I did use it it was very windy and heavy rain, found it more of a hinderance with it getting in the way. I guess it may help to button up the sides. It did keep me dry when I have used it and found it fine. .

I have the British 58 pattern poncho, guess its similar to the Dutch as most of the gear is... A tip I found from this site (actually a photo of Wayland) is to, button up the sides and to use a belt with it. This stops it from blowing around or getting in the way when you bend down etc. I have a webbing belt that does the job just fine and I can hang my knige off it too. The whole poncho is much more like a long coat worn this way.



Nov 29, 2010
Dalarna Sweden
Well, the translationpart is solved.
If interested here are some personal experiences with it.
I had a Dutch poncho, both is service and private and did not like it. The colours are too bright and I thought the material is not that strong or durable and too noisy. Like a very large plastic sandwichbag...
I hung it up as a tarp and when bright light hit it, it lit up like a christmastree, especially the sand and greencolours. Not my idea of lowprofile in the woods. In windy conditions it makes a lot of noice, same thing when worn. Again not very low profile.
Then I was given an older rubberised german poncho. While it is heavier it think it is far less noticable. The colours stay OG and it produces a lot less noice, both as a tarp and worn. It feels sturdier, too.
The Dutch one I would not wear in public, the German one I would.
i have tried them in Google dutch translation services but its not doing its fully translation correctly so thing is i am still in trouble by doing its translation there however i will try my best.

Okay....if you look right above your post there is a translation into English that actually makes sense to an English speaker. If you’re trying to translate it into Urdu....well...good luck...thanks for letting us know.


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