Thanks,A brilliant initiative - all power to your elbow!
A couple of things, though, born of experience. How long are your sessions?
I presume that you'll be doing some basic carving with them (pegs for their shelters, pot hangers, etc.), do make sure that you have a really comprehensive kit with you at all times.
Finally, if you've got sixteen of them, see if you can't persuade some other member of staff to help out. With that number, a second pair of eyes is a real asset and actually makes the sessions more than twice as safe.
Training sessions are only an hour, because I am using teh technology workshops and thats when the technicians go home.
My own first aid kit is huge and has all sorts of things that the school would not approve of, but then my last FA course was actually for expedtion leaders so we got shown how to use stuff I wouldn't normally touch.
They will be making their own pegs as part of the knife training session, and maybe something decorative if the weather closes in during the weekend
I already have two other members of staff, mainly because there are mainly girls going but they are going to sleep in the barn and until yesterday assumed the kids would be too! I don't think they really understand what this is about.
One of the technicians will be helping with sessions that invlove making stuff.