Double Walled Ice Buckets ??


Aug 22, 2007
I`ve checked out their website Andy and there nearest Range to you is in Carlisle, they haven`t quite breached the wall and reached you lot up there yet.


LOL! Cheers for looking - Carlisle is a *little* far to go for an ice-bucket :D I'll keep my eye out for anything similar as I'm sure between us all we could make something interesting.


Jul 8, 2006
..... there you go ... someone who knows what they are talking about :D ! I forgot that hot air expands!

Not really; but Standard Grade was only a few years ago, so some scraps are still in mind :p

It looks like a pretty good design, I can't see why it wouldn't work; but it all depends, really.

The fire WILL heat the air between the walls, so it will expand and it will rise.

However, the effectiveness of this will really depend on just how much air the fire sucks in; seeing as it's actually burning, it will get the majority, I'm sure. If this happens, and little-no air is going up between the walls (unlikely but possible) then that could actually be a benefit; the high pressure between the walls (caused to the air heating) is forcing air out from between them, and the fire is stopping much air replacing it, so the pressure between the walls should be pretty low all tolled - the low pressure "wall" of air will help prevent heat being radiated away, ensuring that the inner wall stays hot, and that heat will therefore radiate up, and help to heat whatever you're heating!

So even if it doesn't work exactly how it's meant to, you should still get benefits from the design. :)
What about using larger diameter holes around the outside at the bottom than the inside holes (primary & secondary air supplies)?

That way there'd be plenty of air getting in.

If I recall correctly then the area of a circle is pi (3.142) x radius squared - which basically translates that a hole twice the diameter will allow 4 times more air through.

ie. if you drilled 12mm (0.5") holes around the outside (say 8 evenly spaced),
and you drilled 6mm (0.25") holes around the inside (top & bottom - 8 each level)
then you'd still have 50% too much air supply if air in = air out
but as the primary supply would draw more in, and the secondary supply would also have a draw (but also be expanding the air to increase the volume further....) :22:

I think I just blew my brains out :togo:

I guess the best bet would be trial & error - but that could get expensive with many holey ice buckets :lmao:


Aug 22, 2007
I'd probably go for more and smaller holes around the inner top to attempt to get a more jet-like effect.


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