Dorothy Hartley a remarkable woman and early bushcrafter?

robin wood

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oct 29, 2007
Dorothy Hartley was born in the 1890's and spent most of her long life traveling the country and writing about old craft skills, country ways, old recipes and such like.

There are many books of that type and most are pretty much like modern day local journalism, it is clear the writer stayed long enough to get the basics of a story and was gone inside the hour. Dorothy Hartley was very different and it comes through in her remarkable books.

When writing about coppice workers she would stay in the coppice for a couple of days to get a full picture of the work. She did her own lovely drawings and got a deep understanding of the different crafts. She was paid £8 a week which did not pay for B&Bs so she "never bothered much with camping equipment" and "when I say in the book I cooked over an open fire, it's true I did." She used to sleep in the hedge. "One can make a fire and boil a billy of water within 20 minutes, I could do it on a wet Irish bog if I had to." Twigs and logs were "so much more convenient" than messing about with stoves.

Her descriptions of lobster pots come from deep understanding having been out overnight on the boats and seeing them working, everywhere in the books you can almost feel the textures in her descriptions and there is always a deep reverence for the knowledge and skill of the old countryfolk. I really wonder what they made of her, an educated woman mixing with gypsies, labourers and craftsfolk and sleeping in the woods in the 1930's, remarkable.

I have just finished "made in England" and today "the Countrymans england" and "the ladn of England" arrived in the post. Her "food in England " is also on order and is meant to be a classic study of old country recipes.

Any other fans out there?



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Well she proves beyond any doubt that bushcraft is a healthy life, only seven runs off the century. Some of her books look really familier to me, the drawings diffenatly do. I am suprised how cheap some of her books are for out of print. Its my birthday next week, I have card ready to do some shopping. Thank you robin for telling us about her, she seems a real well knowledge.


Aug 15, 2008
She sounds like a fascinating person. I shall be keeping my eye out for her stuff, they should be a cracking read. Thanks for sharing.


Full Member
Nov 17, 2003
Michigan, USA
Not familiar with her but she sounds fascinating! I'll have to locate one of her books. People like that always remind me of all the comforts we take for granted nowadays.


May 2, 2004
Thanks for telling us about her, I had not heard of her before. It is always great to hear about inspirational women like Dorothy, I am looking forward to reading her books! :)


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