DIY Bushcraft

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Inspired over the weekend camp by Roly's Trug kitchen bags and Stewart's request for a cover for his Dutch Oven - Tah-Da
The Dutch Oven Trug!
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This one is sized to take my Bakestone in the base and my middling sized Dutchy - or various other bits of Kitchenalia as needed....but theoretically they could be made any size! Carry it all in and then hang it on a tripod for ease of access for all your cooking kit :)
Made from scraps of 8oz canvas (from my 1955 soft pack project) and an old webbing belt.

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
I am in the middle of making a smaller one - in camo - as a food bag ... I see the condiments and sauces fitting in the side pockets...

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Made from n unused flying suit that I bought for the zips.... and an old belt bought for the buckles!
I may have to make another just for the beer though...
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John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Have you ever worn out any of your handmade items of clothing?
To my eyes it seems to be made like in the past, rock solid.
You know, I do not think I have worn out anything I have made...
I "out-grew" some kit as I got fat... and sold it on.
Then I "under-grew" some more as I lost an amazing amount of weight (190lbs/80 something kg) but some of my linen "Iron Age " re-enactment kit is wearing a bit thin.....
I have a Btec OND diploma in Fashion design (a bit more than an "A" level - a bit less than a degree) and designed for folk like "Craghoppers" for a while and I found out that one of my Grandfathers was a Master Shirt Cutter before 1914 - so it is in the blood!
I love making things :)

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
I wish I was!
I have no Left/Right hand co-ordination ... I therefor cannot type two handed (two fingers at best!), cannot play a musical instrument nor juggle - all things I would love to do!
I also cannot get the art of sharpening spoon knives - the rolling action beats me - hand sew well nor pick up pins without stabbing myself!
I like to carve wood though...
Prehistoric Goddess figure
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Figures based on Ancient (Mesolithic) carvings found on Orkney

"African Fertility figure" for a theatrical production

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which is not exactly Bushcraft but fun!
And carving stone
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Woody girl

Full Member
Mar 31, 2018
Not up to John's fantastic standards but today I made a nice fat antler tine ferro rod to go into my home made kit rather than my bought kit. So now I have home made stove ferro rod spoon and Billy can. So that's the cooking sorted. I'm attempting to handle a blade with another tine but not having much luck at present making a long enough hole to fit the tang into. May bring it to the moot for expert help rather than mess it up. Then I'll need a sheath which I have the leather for but will wait untill knife is finished before I start on that.
I've also made my own version of a swandrI . Very basic! Love making things... however basic and badly. Your learn best by having a go I think.


Sent off - Not allowed to play
Feb 10, 2016
Grand Cayman, Norway, Sweden
The "Westray Wifey" is thought to be a Goddess figure and was found in one of the most Northerly of the Orkney Islands
View attachment 53345 View attachment 53346 Inspiration for my wood carvings...
I have to say that the Central European Godesses were more attractive!


Is it not weird that there must have been a very similar religion/belief all across Euroasia (and Africa?)
Indicates a healthy movement and interaction between the various people, tribes.

Did the Orkneys have a land connection to the rest of Europe?
If not - those people were advanced sea farers!

So little we know, so much has been lost!
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John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Orkney was the center of the North Sea to Atlantic sea routes and visited by EVERYONE!
Center of Viking travels and before then Stoneage man had a huge Religious center there that influenced not only Britain but Europe as well.
A magic place!


Sent off - Not allowed to play
Feb 10, 2016
Grand Cayman, Norway, Sweden
Yes, but that is recent. Yesterday. What, 4-5 thousand years ago?

Those Goddesses are what, 25 000 years old?
The Venus from Dolni Vestonice is thought to be close to 30 000 old..

I plan to visit the various islands north of Scotland in a few years, plus Svalbard and some other north of Norway. That one next year is the plan.

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
A better photo of my Orkney carvings along with a carved bone pin with "Brodgar Butterfly " decoration ...
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Carved on Orkney from driftwood found on Orkney...
The one at the back is meant to represent St Magnus - and the wood is riddled with ships worm holes ... while the front one is my take on the Westray Wifey....
Oh - and the decoration on thepin is not visible in this shot...
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Dec 2, 2014
Well - come on... lets see some other folks DIY bits :)

Hi John I would but I still have not finished my first ever spoon I started at the winter moot with Tony and you.

I am doing a course in couple of weeks with Paul K and Ray g, I hope to finish then should I get time.

Hope your feeling better.?!

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John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Have fun on the course - two really great teachers!
Ray was my Mentor for my 5star Open Canoe award and Paul taught me some tracking and foraging skills - amongst other things ... they might remember me, might not...
I am getting there with the health and hope to be back at work next month...
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We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.