Didn't Know where to post this?


Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Because yesterday was the nicest day of the year so far! I decided although a school night we would sleep up the woods. Now everything was going along nicely, bit of dinner, little carving, lovely fire etc etc.

Went to bed about 9.30pm, we all fell straight to sleep, anyway i will get to the point now!

At about 11.30pm, i was awakened by the dog growling, and was immediately aware that there was something outside the tent, so quietly slid my boots head torch and SFA! Well you can never be sure, peeped out the tent and it was a large healthy looking roe buck, he took off at the spped of light, thought that was it, started to settle down again but the dog just would not, growling as if on guard, so i got up again and blow me a dog fox licking my plate!

Perhaps not so remarkable, in itself although rare.

My question is. It was a full moon, and one of the most light nights i have ever seen in the woods, you could quite comfortably carry out a lot of tasks without a torch!

Do animals really act differently when there is such a clear sky accompanied by a full moon, or is it me being silly?

Further to the disturbance, i got up and had a surreal wander, it was as clear as a bell, not a whisper of wind, and to cap the evening, right at the top end of the wood, saw a couple of badgers play fighting, oh yeah and the owl activity was incredible.

Whether it's just that time of year, or was i witness to full moonyitis?

Strangest night i have ever had in the woods! And no, was not on drugs/medication and only a couple of beers.



Sep 6, 2010
That sounds like one for the memory bank; a full moon probably encourages animal activity just becuase it's lighter?


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Sounds like you had an interesting night Ivan. Animals like us take advantage of conditions and situations and extra light is a boon in finding food and mates. Some hunters and fishermen use moon phases to decide when it would be better to go out gathering. LINK In fact the Hunting predictor on Garmin GPS units is based on this if I remember correctly.

Of course in balance it could just be that because we humans are seeing more in the bright moonlight that we percieve there is more going on but I don't think so.


Jun 26, 2008
There was a chap who my dad used to work with and he'd go a bit weird whenever it was a full moon, not sure if it was coincidence or he was just plain mental.
'Rawhead Rex' is what the chaps used to call him. Threw a hammer at my dad because he thought he was a spy.

Elen Sentier

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
What a wonderful night, Ivan :). Half a century ago my woodsman uncle used to take me out in the woods moonlit nights to sit and watch for the critters, we used to see all sorts from tiny little woodmice to deer, definitely foxes and badgers. He used to say the animals liked the full moon and we certainly did get to see a lot. I hope to follow your example next full moon as a friend says I can camp in her wood.


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
It was a beautiful, light, night :D
I went out to put the bins out, and the sky was overcast, but the air was a flat calm and still and it was light even despite the clouds :) Only the occasional sleepy chirp from a bird roosting in the trees.

Camped down the Gareloch on a night like that with my Dad and my brother. One of those nights when the sea was so still that the tide came in to touch your boots and you hadn't even heard it move. Owls in the trees behind us, a hedgehog out for a ramble along the old tideline, and it was almost as though we were invisible to the world around us. Senses seem sharper, but somehow we fit in to the natural world instead of standing out in it.
Lovely, just perfect somehow :D

Glad you had a great night Ivan, best wishes for many more :)

Maybe we will do a Full Moon type thread ? some months it's possible to feel that calm in the light for three nights :D



Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Thanks, for the kind comments,after i had posted it, i thought you twit Ivan! Nobody is interested in your old ramblings and without photo evidence (which i could have got,well the badgers anyway) It seemed like one of those threads that hopefully go away.

It was relly a truly magical couple of hours, the family were blissfully unaware of anything, even the dog was silent on the wander.

I have camped out hundreds of times, from solo's to a failed live in the woods for a while (9 Days Ha Ha!) And obviously with mates and meets, where i have heard noises or couldn't sleep, and i have seen many a full moon,but last nights enforced disturbance was wonderful.

Flagging a bit now though!


Oh no! It's officially, a fullest moon tonight!


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Hi Ivan,

I like the more esoteric threads and this is a good one. Bit late now but full moon on a snow covered landscape is one of the more magical things. even brighter, sounds sharper, smells carry. Tracks you can follow as animals clearly visible in the light plow through the powdery surface. Magic. Think one of the coolest times I spent was alone in the desert. No light pollution so stars like you wouldn't believe. The odd shooting star, satalights clearly visible. And the noises. I always thought the desert would be quiet. Nope things calling and eating and murdering each other in the dark. (Me scared of spiders and scorpions sleeping on the vehicle roof :eek:) Pretty cool though.

Back here in the UK though I've spent so much time hunting or patroling the darkness seeing things you just normally never see, even on the wildlife docs. The moon does make me feel more alive, the scientists say there's no evidence but I don't think they're right.

Keep up the night walks, opens up a whole new life.

Cheers for starting the thread, if Toddy's/The Mods and yourself are OK with it, it could be a place for folk to tell their "dark stories".



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