deer tracking

Jan 9, 2012
hi there
Ive a 2year old boxer dog hes tapped in the skull most times but loved deerly (not a typo ) i ve trained him to do light guard duties around the house so far a normal mutt
now as we go up to the forest my mutt will catch on to a deer trail we often follow them and he can get me within inches of them he loves being outdoors with me and with every trip he gets better and better
any one else here use their pets in this manor
and before anyone starts i use a SAR'S LEAD for him :approve:


Jan 7, 2012
My 2 springers go crazy after deer, this morning's walk they latched onto something and on the opposite side of a copse I saw 4 roe deer. Without them about I would have missed them. Just a turn of the head and curious look is all it takes for me to realise they've seen something. sadly I could not get close to them and they were off across the field. Nice.


Jan 7, 2012
That's hard to say, but they do pick up a pheasant a good 200m away and track it down, but then that is what they are bred for. I lost one for 5 minutes in our local wood and I reckon it was a deer, they just won't listen to your commands at all. With pheasant they will circle and circle until they flush it out and then come back to you for praise. They did not get any praise today!
Jan 9, 2012
yes AK is being trained for deer tracking if we get onto anything else i pull him off and we start again at our start point damn mutt has had me over the forest and mountain a few times
hes tracked them spot on 9 times out of 10 the moment we go to the woods he knows the job to do and gets loads of praise when we pick one up ive never been close to deer before training the boxer up to do this
he picked it up by accident and we have stuck with it some days we're on top of them others we follow the trail till it goes cold and to be sure thats what he's following i look for fresh tracks and LUP of the deer


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