Deer Advice wanted....


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Jun 27, 2008
Got out for a short walk this morning away from the normal tourist paths. Picture a scene - was it a werewolf film with the mist on the moors somewhere?
Anyway, the mist was down and I found myself walking on compass bearings to my intended brew stop (artsy pictures will be attached) when I stumbled across half a dozen deer - I must have had my softly softly boots on as I could have easily hit any one of them with a well placed stone. Before I could whip out my camera they'd bounced off in to the mist. The ones I saw, I would guess at a couple of years old (still quite small). It's the one I didn't see that I need some advice on!!

There must have been a male about as shortly after they had disappeared in to the mist the barking began. I made a very large arc around their last known position to avoid them however I got the distinct impression that the male (or more) followed me for a mile or more as the barking (every 30 seconds or so) seemed to keep pace with me. :censored: I said !! More than once I picked out a tree that would offer refuge should some angry deer poke its head out of the mist !

Question: I know deer are normally shy of us lumbering humans but what are the chances of a male taking it upon itself to show me who owned the fell I was walking on (if say it had young deer present) - despite me trying to keep out of their way?

Good day despite the beast in the mist...





Dec 15, 2005
Cracking pictures lostagain

Whenever I`ve come across deer they`ve either been scared or sometimes curious but never aggressive. I suppose if you blindly walked straight into a resting herd in thick fog and startled them, then they might get on the defensive if there`s young about. Chances are they`ll just run off though.
I`ve had a close encounter with a mature stag which woke me in my hammock one morning, as soon as I`d sat up and made eye contact with him he ran off.


Need to contact Admin...
Jun 27, 2008

Could have been a female rounding them up after I'd blundered upon them - didn't think of that!

Why can't I get my pictures to show in the post like you have done? Must search the posts for some instructions.
it has been known for stags to charge but i never heard of a doe doing it id agree wit rich and bike thing that it was "probably" herding.oh and stags normally only attack in rutting and then only if you get between two that are having a go (easier done than people think the buggers have rows over quite large areas)


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