David's Archery Bracer for Secret Santa (Very Picture Heavy)


Full Member
Feb 14, 2012
The Netherlands
Hey Everyone!

As the scores were tied, and as I didn't have the pictures fully uploaded yet from the Mandolin, Here is a lovely Archery Bracer that is somewhere in your countries postal service.
Probably being used by a postal worker, or perhaps just rolling on the conveyor belt like a fat woman trying to avoid being eaten by the industrial furnace at the end of it ^^

Anywho I made this Bracer for the dear man David, aka Welchyd, sadly it did not yet arrive so I am working on a new one.
I wanted to make something in a Celtic meets Viking art Style (The later half of the vikings Era, as there is a pretty distinct Difference ^^, Lets just hope I did this right and wont get a lecture from mr Waidson XD)
It is depicting a ..... ah the hell with it let your eyes feast and tell me what you guys think. and come up with creative views of what the design depicts XD





Okay enough with the teasing close-ups XD






And now a couple so you can really see the .... pictograph?....., image?..... I'll just go with Carving ^^




It took me a while to get the design just right in order for it to fit snugly, allowing room for the wrist and elbow to move and to not be of any hindrance to the shooting of a bow.
I really loved the outcome and still am silently hoping that after a huge, and I mean HUGE delay the package still reaches its destination.
It is made from a 2,6 mm vegtan upper with a Chrome tanned under which has the inside of the skin facing the arm of the wearer, this makes it really soft and smooth to the touch.

And might some of you guys still be trying to figure out what it actually depicts, it is a tree of life, with inside the Roots, some symbolic meanings, the most lower pointy bit being passion,
The knot in the center depicting balance of energy both the male and female, and the side depicting that passion should always win from expectancy of your surroundings.

So tell me what you think about the design,
maybe find the time for a hug for the ones close to you, Yeah its important ^^

Might you want to see every single photo of the stuff I made like Mr Bromley then I sugest you visit my Photobucket here
And check out a nice lay out of the photo's from the Bracer, right here
and of course don't forget to vote

Vote 1 for a 70 year old mandolin I restored
Vote 2 for a pair of Wristbands I made for a lovely couple

Yours sincerely Ruud

Ps, have a complementary hug, its on the house ^^

Two Socks

Jan 27, 2011
This makes me wish I did archery so that I would need one. Very nice again. The Ruud-marathon is getting better and better :You_Rock_.

I`ll vote for the mandolin again, by the way.


Full Member
May 17, 2010
Manchester, England
WOW that immense!

I reckon you might be right, about a postal worker somewhere using this for his own needs lol.

Great work mate, your attention to detail is stunning!



Full Member
Feb 14, 2012
The Netherlands
Heya Guys, Thanks allot for all the supportive comments XD
and yeah a darned shame that RM is so unreliable, but what in the past is in the past ( not saying I wouldn't lynch the postal worker, might I see him wearing that bracer ^^)
and we have one vote on The Mandolin XD
better start cracking on uploading all of that ^^

Yours sincerely Ruud


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