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Full Member
Nov 6, 2008
I've been a big fan of beetroot juice for some time (after listening to on of Michael Mosley's Just One Thing podcast). I don't like the taste either, but do like the benefit.

Between myself and some friends with played around with some other recipes and the best that we've come up is adding ginger cordial.

I thought of ginger from it's own beneficial effects. It's a real balance though as too much of the cordial results in what we term Ginger Burn!

I'm interested in your mix though as even with mine I struggle to make myself drink it daily and I know I should for various reasons.

Would you mind detailing your recipe more please?

I think your £11 must have been a deal as it's not that now...

I added Blackcurrant cordial today - definite improvement. Just need to find a low sugar one. Flavour is strong enough to mask over the earthy back-beet.


Bushcrafter through and through
Nov 29, 2003
I added Blackcurrant cordial today - definite improvement. Just need to find a low sugar one. Flavour is strong enough to mask over the earthy back-beet.
I meant to say that I tried heavily diluted beetroot with water. Totally gross. neat is better for my tastebuds (though not great) and it’s over quicker.

I’m not too worried about the sugar content of the ginger cordial I add - it’s not much going in.
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