Do you not find the liners add too much width to the knife?
Well no, the wood was only 3mm thick so its not too thick for me!
Also did you finalise the scales before glueing them or do the filework/paperwork carefully afterwards ?
I used the scales that i removed to finalise the scales as near as possible then used some carefull sanding to finish off.
One question though, why didn't you go for more rounding on the edges of the wood more like a plastic SAK handle?
Ive made them rounded and square and i prefere them square for some reason, such a small thing being round it dosnt feel right to me.
Another question - when people re-handle, do they leave out the tweezers and so on jsut because they are too fidfly to fit or they just don't use them or aesthetics.
Ive seen people include the tweezers, i dont ever seem to use them. For me they are a bit knaff. And i was too lazy to do it. I have a 2mm mill end which would probably do the job.