Coniston Canoe Camp


Full Member
Jun 24, 2008
St. Helens
Pictures sorted now lol

It was a toss up between Coniston and Derwent Water. Coniston won because I knew exactly where to put in and no precious time would be wasted scouring Derwent's shores.

We took enough gear to keep us comfortable for a week even though it was to be only an overnight stay. I'm used to wild camping with everything carried on my back so we indulged ourselves Telling myself that this was a dress rehearsal for a Scotland trip eased my conscience We put in at Rigg Wood.

Tying, clipping, strapping and blutacking everything in the noo.

We made for Peel Island for a spot of lunch and landed at the secret harbour.

Ian in his new Scoutmaster hat.

The first of many pictures of me stuffing my face.

After we'd recharged our bellies we headed down the Crake river. Very peaceful down here.We hadn't touched the beer by this time and yet Ian still manages to look drunk. At least he's a happy drunk.



After not getting a sniff of a bite we headed north up the western shore and had a stretch of our legs. Now the beer was broken out of the packs.

That's half of 'em, let me see if I can get the other half on another post. BCUK is acting very weird.
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Dec 15, 2005
Cracking pics Sean, looks like a good one mate

Can't you copy the IMG code from p'bucket onto here ? Seemed to work for me last night.

Try hanging the foot end of your hammock three or four inches higher than your head, that should stop you sliding down in the night.

Good to see the boat on the water and not dumped at the end of your street.


Full Member
Jun 24, 2008
St. Helens
After using up plenty of time efficiently doing nothing we thought it best to find somewhere to camp. Off we went.


The lake was much quieter than I expected. We only passed a few boats and we only saw two other open canoes.

We stopped about halfway up the western shore and had a little recce in the woods.


There was evidence of earlier habitation by primitive man.


Soon got set up and got the chilli and rice on the fire.



Socks needed drying too. They look closer to the food than would be sanitory in this pic but I can assure you the chilli tasted fine:D


A few more beers were downed around the fire.


We were expecting rain early in the morning but it started at around midnight and chucked it down for a good few hours. We were nice and dry though and except for fighting with my hammock occasionally (first time used) it was a good nights sleep.
I don't think I'd quite rigged the hammock right as I kept sliding down it with my feet sticking out the end. I couldn't keep my sleeping mat in place either so that was wanged.

This was my view at dawn


After some tea and bacon and a short portage back to the water we made off again.



This is my 'Wilderness' pose.


It was so calm in the morning, before the sun had a chance to move the air around there wasn't a breath of wind. It soon became quite blustery as it brightened up though. We used a groundsheet as a spraycover as it was threatening to rain. The rain never came so Ian made a valiant effort of rigging a sail from the groundsheet at which point of course the wind died


Lunch was enjoyed at the northern tip and I brewed up. Stuffing my face again. I certainly did not lose any weight on this trip.


Ian likes neither tea nor coffee which makes brew time a little easier but then one always has the uneasy feeling that one is camping with someone who isn't entirely human. How can you go through life not having hot drinks??:D There are handy public conveniences at this end of the lake and Ian made use of the porcelain. I myself can return the steely glare of any mountain man.;)

Now that we'd turned south the wind picked up considerably and it was hard work making our way back to Rigg Wood. Some decent sized waves and the wind grabbing the bow of the Aurora made for an exhausting and intense paddle.

One last stretch of the legs.


Ian kept me alert on the drive home with Kendal Mint Cake and Beef Jerky, a great combo.

And we parted company. A tireless bow paddler and great campfire company.



Jan 31, 2010
sorry but i don,t know who is who but where did the guy in the brown check shirt get the boots ??? do you have a makers name please or a link to a retail outlet !! ta muchly


Full Member
Jun 24, 2008
St. Helens
sorry but i don,t know who is who but where did the guy in the brown check shirt get the boots ??? do you have a makers name please or a link to a retail outlet !! ta muchly

Lol that guy would be me!

They're Toggi Columbus Heritage boots. Really comfortable pigskin. Warm in winter, not too hot in spring and autumn, and waterproof. The wet socks were because I waded out too deep unloading the boat.

Here's a link. I paid less but can't remeber where!


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.