Cocktails anyone?


Full Member
Nov 6, 2008
I had a rather wonderful and long introduction to Cocktails the other evening , being a Southern-weak-lager-swigger most of my life ( a young 20 in a 40 year olds body ) I thought I'd be cultured and take a walk on the wild side , ok not so much a walk as a drunken stumble...

Anyway , reading the recent sales thread on a folding crossbow and how a ' Venom Boomslang ' sounds like a wonderful Cocktail name I'd wonder if anyone has suggestions for Cocktails I may try in the future?

So Ive tried




So any one know any good ones they can suggest?


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 13, 2015
I did a bit of bar work in uni, our 3 highest runners where skittles (1 part taboo, 1 part blue bols, 1 part vodka topped up with pure orange)
Orange smartie (1 part tia Maria, 1 part vanilla vodka topped up half and half pure orange and cranberry)
Tequila vampire (1 part gold tequila, 1 part southern comfort, topped with pure orange and grenadine sunk and layered)
Personally I like coctails containing barley, wheat and hops! But partial to a martini now and then.
Also. No boomslang venom, but there is a boomslang!
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Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
I do like a good cocktail and we have an annual Martini competition in the village.
Also been known to have the do in the Tipi and have drawn the odd odd look as the cocktail shaker comes out while camping.
My favourite is a Gibson, like an ordinary Martini with gin rather than vodka. (one to one, or one to two gin/vermouth) with a cocktail onion on the stick rather than an olive; which is what makes it a Gibson rather than a standard Martini.
You can also make do with a Mason jar and some wild onions!

For something more modern and fun a "Cheeky Vimto" is pretty darn good.

Sent via smoke-signal from a woodland in Scotland.
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Full Member
May 26, 2015
Tequila Sunrise... the only cocktail that when you've consumed a few of them will have you scaring the living daylights out of a coast guard as he sits in his beach side hut minding his own business.

Least thats what I've heard :tongue-ti


Full Member
Nov 6, 2008
Tequila Sunrise... the only cocktail that when you've consumed a few of them will have you scaring the living daylights out of a coast guard as he sits in his beach side hut minding his own business.

Least thats what I've heard :tongue-ti

Ok , going to have to enhance this thread and ask ( insist ) on Cocktail related stories...


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 13, 2015
Ones about the same now discontiued cocktail. The the bar I worked in we did a pair of shots based around the fire and ice thing. Ice was angels kiss, peppermint vodka, a dash of absinthe and blue aftershock. Fire was demons ****, Bacardi 151, fireball whiskey and a chilli sauce called da bomb ground zero ( ) it's VERY hot. Anyway, same day 2 stories about them, a group of young girls had asked for a tray of our most popular shots, when I asked fire or ice I herd fire. 30 seconds later all 6 girls are screaming, asking for milk and running to the toilet. Turns out she had said "we're next to the fire" and wasn't expecting what they got! :lmao:
The same day a little later on we had a stag party in, natural matcho bravado took over and they all wanted a shot of demons **** "and put plenty of chilli in mate" ha. No bother son! Sent them all running to the facilities and while they where sitting crying into their halfs of shandy, old Jack pipes up. "Mick, I've never tried one of them, give me 2 please." I tried to desuade him, Jack was 90 if he was a day and walked on 2 sticks, typical flat cap and whippet kind of bloke. He insisted so I poured him 2. Sure enough he knocked them back, pondered for a second and said "not bad, still can't get away with slamming drinks down like that though, pint of mild Mick" and the stag party left tails between their legs all commenting on how old Jack never flinched!


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
With the Gibson you can improvise with a Mason jar and some wild onions.

On the Cheeky Vimto front I forgot to add the recipe: -
1 Bottle of blue WKD
25ml shot of ruby port
Pour ruby port into pint glass with ice, top with one bottle of blue wkd


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
Cypriot Brandy sour is a lovely simple to make long summer drink and packs more punch than Pimm's. Another simple one is a 'GGL' Gin, Ginger Beer and fresh squeezed lime juice, lots of ice in a tall glass. Don't forget to try a Brandy Alexander especially if you like Bailey's.


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Cypriot Brandy sour is a lovely simple to make long summer drink and packs more punch than Pimm's. Another simple one is a 'GGL' Gin, Ginger Beer and fresh squeezed lime juice, lots of ice in a tall glass. Don't forget to try a Brandy Alexander especially if you like Bailey's.
Hehe, I call your GGL a "London Mule". Pretty much the same as a Moscow Mule but with Gin instead of Vodka, and much nicer. Haven't had a Brandy Alexander in yonks, an ex of mine used to drink them. Sweet but nice. You can make a hot version for bedtime, especially nice if you've lugged some Chocolat Charbonnel Luxury Hot Drinking Chocolate along with you. Cracking stuff.


Full Member
May 26, 2015
Ok , going to have to enhance this thread and ask ( insist ) on Cocktail related stories...

It's probably one of those stories that needed you to be there but anywho...

I was about 18 or 19 when I decided to spend my Christmas somewhere else... so I booked a week in Lanzarote.

First day there I was grabbing some food at a mini market (self-catering - so I was hunting for beans) and I found a shelf with tequila at £3 a bottle. Not having tried tequila before, I decided it would be a good idea to drink a bottle a see what happened. I don't remember much of the evening, but my girlfriend of the time told me that I'd insisted on making my interpretation of a paella with beans and tea bags which sounds delicious.

Obviously tequila was not my friend, but being young and very stupid, my girlfriend and I hit the bars on Christmas Eve and we discovered a bar called Harry's. I remember seeing Tequila Sunrise chalked up on a board behind the bar and thinking 'mmmm tequila' and I also remember that I ordered more than a couple over the next hour, but waking up around 2am on Christmas Day morning in a puddle of drool and not wearing much more than a straw hat, I had to rely on my girlfriend to fill in the blanks.

So I've drunk a few too many of Harry's Tequila Sunrises and for some reason thought swimming in the sea was the thing to do. My girlfriend tried to tell me this would be a bad idea and that I didn't have a bathing costume, but I came up with the unoriginal solution of stripping naked. After a brief swim in the December temperatures of the Atlantic ocean, I wasn't in the mood to get dressed again... preferring instead to remain cold and wet running up and down the beach. Then I announced that I'd spotted a light in the distance and I would investigate. I did investigate and inside a small cave-like cabin on the edge of the beach an unsuspecting coast guard was greeted to the sight of an inebriated naked man who stood in his doorway with inane grin saying 'Hello... what's your name?'.

An embarrassed girlfriend grabs me, partially dresses me and returns me to the apartment for a good scolding. During this telling off I take offence at being told that nakedness is perhaps not widely accepted on the beaches of Lanzarote and decide that the world should be naked... and of course that meant stripping, putting on a straw hat and my girlfriend's scarf and standing on the balcony of our apartment in a superhero pose. This was followed by me crawling back into the apartment, resting my head on the settee and passing out.

Later that morning, now fully dressed and with an urge to eat large quantities of food, we went to a local pub (the Dog and Duck) and ordered a Christmas Day morning breakfast of bacon, eggs, mushrooms etc. I sat munching away oblivious to a man on the table opposite staring at me. My girlfriend pointed out that this man had been staring at me since we sat down and she thought it could be the coast guard from the night before. Not wanting to damage Anglo-Spanish relations forever by my poor behaviour being taken as representative of the average late teens male from Britain, I got up and began to walk towards this man to apologise. He didn't want any apology, nor did he want any further contact with me... he made this clear by standing up in front of the breakfast eating patrons of the Dog and Duck, screaming at me in Spanish before quickly running away.

It appears that 18 year old girlfriends can cope with their boyfriends getting drunk, cope with them skinny dipping and nakedly harassing an unsuspecting public worker... but hearing the word 'loco' being yelled by said public worker at a pub breakfast was just a step too far and I was ignored for the rest of the holiday... which was probably for the best really because the mini market still had bottles of tequila on the shelves and who could resist at £3 a bottle?

She did speak to me on the plane ride home and once we'd arrived at Manchester, all was well. We enjoyed a nice quiet New Year's Eve at her parent's house and a couple of days later both returned to work. The following weekend arrived and we arranged to meet at our local pub and upon arrival there were several familiar faces there. They all seemed very pleased to see me and even the bar staff gave me extra big smiles... this was going to be a great evening! That was until I saw my girlfriend with some freshly developed photographs in her hand... giggling as she showed my friends what a tequila-infused nudist looks like in a straw hat and a scarf!


Full Member
May 15, 2008
Would I be lowering the tone to suggest the only REAL cocktail is a half of Guinness with a 2nd half added and a pickled onion in it. ( I'll get my coat)...


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Would I be lowering the tone to suggest the only REAL cocktail is a half of Guinness with a 2nd half added and a pickled onion in it. ( I'll get my coat)...
Not a real fan of champagne but with some Guinness to make it into a Black Velvet it's eminently drinkable! You can do it with cider/perry and Guinness and that's pretty nice.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 13, 2015
Would I be lowering the tone to suggest the only REAL cocktail is a half of Guinness with a 2nd half added and a pickled onion in it. ( I'll get my coat)...

I always get wrong for confucing the barmaids with my usual "2 halfs of plum porter in a pint glass please" crack. Suppose that's a cocktail!


Full Member
May 26, 2015
I always have a laugh when I ask for half a bitter half a lager mix at a bar and the barman says 'we don't do cocktails' :)


Full Member
May 1, 2008
The Evelyn Waugh shandy is a great drink, put a large gin in a pint tankard, add a bittle of Guinness and top up with ginger beer, a real thirst quencher that packs a punch.
and according to Kingsley Amis, who would have known, a martini should be about one to eight or less gin to vermouth. Dry !


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 13, 2015
Eight to one rather than one to eight

A proper dry martini is gin in a glass that spots a vermouth bottle across the bar!
If we want to get down the ultra dry martini route, the naked martini wins. Although I'd argue it's just a glass of gin!


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
How about a 'nose bleed', a bottle of Guinness with a large measure of port added. A 'headbutt' is port, Guinness and a large measure of Polish spirit.


Full Member
May 26, 2015
There seems to be a theme going on here... either its gin or guinness, guinness or gin. Surely there is more to a cocktail than guinness or gin?


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