Chinese Fivefingers


Jan 13, 2006
Toddy, quick question. I know SWMBO but I am not familiar with HWMBLT. I was thinking perhaps He Who Might Be Loo Trained. How far off am I? TIA :eek:


Sep 22, 2006
W Yorkshire
Hello, I had a nice walk on rocky beaches today. Maybe 20 km, with a daypack. I don't subscribe to the theory that you need wrist support for heavy loads. I carried insane heavy stuff in the army and we had ordinary leather boots and where instructed to wear them loosely tied above the wrist. There is soooo much debate on wether you need any wrist support, since I dropped my meindls (very supportive) in favour of Lundhags, which have little support, I have had zero problems. Just have normal good strong wrists instead of thinking an alpine boot will solve your problems. Sherpas use flip flops (up to a certain height but with the same load). One kilo on the foot is like five kilos in the backpack, this has been tested in numerous US army medical tests and in other clinical tests. Instead of worrying of support, lighten the load and lighten the shoes and be a happier camper.

They fivefingels worked very good. No problem with wet slippery rocks, much better grip than trainers or stiff hiking boots. The amount of rubber on the rock is a lot higher than with boots since these are flexible and allow the toes to be part of the grip in another way than ordinary shoes. I liked it a lot. They are sweatier than my trainers though. And the soak up really quick. It's just a matter of adjusting your perspective, it's no danger being wet. The same as if you switch to trail running shoes from boots.

On sizing, well, I usually have 45-46 in shoes, on hiking boots I use 47 (for spare socks). I went with 46 on the fivefingels, feels real good sizewise. You should probably go one above if you need socks, I think.


Sep 22, 2006
W Yorkshire
I'm guessing that 'wrist' = Ankle ????

Haha, damn, right. It one of those language mismatches. Sorry for that. The words are almost the same, the meaning is interchanged in swedish and english.

On another note, Coffe in english is Coffe, and it contains Caffein. In swedish it's Kaffe, and it contains Koffein. Something went wrong with the word delivery to the two languages.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oct 2, 2003
Hamilton NZ
Haha, damn, right. It one of those language mismatches. Sorry for that. The words are almost the same, the meaning is interchanged in swedish and english.On another note, Coffe in english is Coffe, and it contains Caffein. In swedish it's Kaffe, and it contains Koffein. Something went wrong with the word delivery to the two languages.
I'm guessing that coffe= coffee and caffein = caffeine ??


Full Member
Jul 11, 2010
Under a tree
I'm tempted too, equally by the Zem Gear ninja shoes (partly so I can say I have ninja shoes...) especially at that cost. I think the fivefingels would hold up to hiking, not so sure about the zems. The zems seem more subtle in appearance, I don't think as many people would notice them (a good thing IMO), plus I don't like this trendy image fivefingers have at the moment! They seem pretty lightweight so even though they probably wouldn't get used as my main hiking shoe they could make good easy to pack camp shoes.

On a tangent I think anyone who is concerned about the strength of their ankles should start longboarding. My ankles are definately stronger, and more supple, than before I started skating. I think the next time I hit the trail I'll feel the benefit there too.

Bush Matt

Jul 29, 2009
New Forest
Big fan of my vibram's - I kitesurf and kayak in them regularly - I remember baulking at the price so would defo try similar at the cheaper price. The ninja shoes are split big toe and not as good as 5 toes for kitesurf imo.

Have also used them for martial arts and they're good.

Best use was hallowean last year - dressed as a monster and the shoes got more comment than any costume.


Sep 22, 2006
W Yorkshire
Update! I wore these during todays funghi foraging. 'Bout 20 odd kms. Worked fine. Got soaked of course, it's wet everywhere. They're very silent. Nice feature. More silent than walking boots. I don't get as tired in my legs, I feel more close to the ground. You have to watch your step a bit more then with walking boots, you can't just bash through and over small fallen trees and mud puddles in the same manner as with lundhags and gaiters. Got a pine needle in the left shoe once, a bit annoying. Also got a twig between the toes sometimes. Wouldn't change them for my lundhags in this weather and terrain (semi-thick mixed forrest). Go, Sky fivefinger, GO!


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Toddy, quick question. I know SWMBO but I am not familiar with HWMBLT. I was thinking perhaps He Who Might Be Loo Trained. How far off am I? TIA :eek:

You're miles off, his Mother did a good job with him :)
"He Who Must Be Listened To", or when I'm vexed with him, "He Who Thinks He Must Be Listened To"

And, HWMBLT has also ordered a pair of these, but has been told that they're out of stock but expecting supplies shortly.
He's getting impatient to try them especially with the positive reviews :)



Dec 15, 2005
That's a pair of green in 43 ordered then :)

Plus another handful of those mini photon lights and a couple of jewellers loupes


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