I wanted to post my grateful thanks to Macaroon for posting me these lovely specimens - and to Joonsy who also offered to send me some
Sweet Chestnut by British Red, on Flickr
These are not going into stuffing - I want to try and raise some young trees from them. I have planted them in deep pots (two to a pot) in a light seedling mixture
Sweet Chestnuts planted by British Red, on Flickr
I've labelled them carefully in the hope that someone may provide me with beech mast from a copper beech and/or some acorns from an English oak. Its certain that Ash dieback is within 50 feet of our property now so I am going to have to do some replanting. We are so glad that we have been tree planting for four years and increasing the diversity of species.
Labels by British Red, on Flickr
The watered pots are in the greenhouse which will prevent predation...but do the nuts need to stratify? Anyone know?
Plants in greenhouse by British Red, on Flickr
Anyway - thanks again Macaroon for the nuts and Joonsy for the thread and the kind offer. I promise an update if they grow
Sweet Chestnut by British Red, on Flickr
These are not going into stuffing - I want to try and raise some young trees from them. I have planted them in deep pots (two to a pot) in a light seedling mixture
Sweet Chestnuts planted by British Red, on Flickr
I've labelled them carefully in the hope that someone may provide me with beech mast from a copper beech and/or some acorns from an English oak. Its certain that Ash dieback is within 50 feet of our property now so I am going to have to do some replanting. We are so glad that we have been tree planting for four years and increasing the diversity of species.
Labels by British Red, on Flickr
The watered pots are in the greenhouse which will prevent predation...but do the nuts need to stratify? Anyone know?
Plants in greenhouse by British Red, on Flickr
Anyway - thanks again Macaroon for the nuts and Joonsy for the thread and the kind offer. I promise an update if they grow