Ceramic sharpening rods

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Some options for field sharpening, just not "rod" shaped - though I did get a ceramic one years ago as a give-away when I got my first Leatherman.

I have seen ceramic "steels" - (rod set into a plastic handle) like butchers use, you could try to re-handle one of those.

If you can do without it being a "rod", ceramic tile off-cuts are made of the right kind of stuff and largely flat.

Another thing that I find useful once in a while are the finger-nail polishing boards sold with 2 or 4 types of abrasive - quite useful as a micro-strop.


Ogri the trog
What size (diameter x length) do you consider "small"? Personally I do not like round rods since it is difficult to sharpen the tip of a knife to a point using one. Stop the stroke a fraction too soon, you don't sharpen the tip, stop a fraction too late and you round the tip. The smaller the diameter rod, the more difficult.

Medium size rods

Small rods

With these latter two, just disassemble to get the little rods out.

While I like the white ceramic for sharpening, grit wise, I would take any of the following in preference to a rod. In order of cost:
3M makes top quality wet & dry fine automotive finishing sand papers.
600, 800, 1,000, 1500 is plenty as 1/2 strips to hold on some flat surface for any BC knife.

Find an automotive supply store that makes a big deal out of the painting and finishing.

I've got several ceramic rods in the back of some kitchen drawer. They came in pairs to fit a wooden block.
They plug with metal, I found them hard to clean. The total included bevel angle was too blunt.
They shatter when they hit the floor. Short is no better than useless.
I've got that kind of kit but just the white ceramic rods which fit inside the wooden base.
That in itself is a really convenient design to hold the rods fixed against a vertical knife blade.

The included bevel angle is nice for splitting firewood and breaking pork ribs.
I expect no more than 15* for food.

Lee Valley used to sell just the rods. You drill angled holes for the angle of your choice.
I never got aroiund to doing that. The sandpapers kind of got in the way.


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