Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
I doubt it, they are seed eaters. Looks like an insect though, doesn't it..
I was watching one outside the kitchen door pulling all the seeds out of a dandelion a few days ago..
Interesting shot that Red. Its good to see the gold of the wings. Often only seen as a quick glance as they fly past...
I was thinking the same thing. And he doesn't look as 'focused' as you would expect if he were chasing an insect.
I'm fairly sure a Goldfinch wouldn't have any need or desire to chase an insect but an interesting pic none the less.
Don't forget that a lot of birds, including those that are seed eaters, do chase down insects and the like this time of year as food for their nestlings. A place where I used to live had a hedge that every year in spring became infested with catepillars and I regularly saw goldfinches and other birds gathering them up in their bills and flying off with them.
I used to have a pet goldfinch. I know thats illegal but I found it on the road along with its dead nest mates. It was still bald and pink. I was suprised it survived me taking it home on my bike and even more surprised when it turned into a goldfinch, I had thought it was a sparrow. It lived eight years,from me being 14 to 22, unfortunatly i could never release it because one of its legs were crippled. They sing a beautiful liquid trilling and it had a noise for people entering the room and a slightly altered noise for people leaving.
Thought you might all like that story
The only thing that's been in my crosshairs this afternoon were a couple of nice fat woodies, it's gonna be a great bank holiday dinner, cooked up with a little rosemary i think
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