Aye Up All,
Just got back to this thread.
Forgiven MikeLA - Down Ten!

You might be interested to know that in some 'circles' it is now SSSSSMLNS!
Here is something that those seriously into cam may find useful -
I'm noticing a common misconception in some of the replies here that has come up almost every time that I have taught this subject and it is fundamental to the understanding of the 'art' so to speak - and very relevant to Scottishpinz's OP. Consider this -
Camouflage might be defined as - 'measures taken to
blend an object
on open view into its surroundings (effectively it's background from respective viewpoints).
This is what I suspect SP is trying to achieve/demonstrate (and making a pretty good effort too) - a non specific cam pattern (dpm)
on the item, item
on view, favourable location in the relevant environment and with the widest application within that environment.
This basically what nations try to achieve in their basic combat clothing.
Placing a cam net and/or natural vegetation over/around/in front of any object is not camouflaging it in the truest sense - that is
concealing (hiding) it - in those circs the net/vegetation
is the camouflage.
Hence the military trade-craft -
Cam and
All of that stated, it is most often a combination of camouflage
and concealment that achieves the best effect and it depends on the primary task which has to be carried out as to where the balance lays - e.g. shoot and scoot or hide and bide.
Here are some examples that I have used - (not sure if the geko is genuine but it illustrates the cam aspect). The concealment one is genuine and took less than 10 seconds to achieve.
Corso - not so sure about
direct cost - neither the Israelis nor the Austrians are short of a bob or two!
You are right about the Brit dpm v Glam cam but I have to concede MTP has it over Brit dpm. During some trials that I was involved in, at distance MTP came up as almost plain khaki and very effective in many situations where Brit dpm consistently showed up dark against its backgrounds.
Thanks for starting this one Scottishpinz hopefully those stealth campers will up their game theyre just too easy to find these days