BushMoot 2006 July 28th - Aug 1st

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White bear (Admin)
Apr 16, 2003
OK, here’s some more information on the Moot, it’s quite big this year leading to a lot more complications and expense, flying Mors over ain’t cheap! Here’s just some of the stuff going on:

There’s too much to list here but I’ll give you a bit of a taster and get more info up soon.

Mors is going to be taking workshops and discussion groups for the whole time, it seems that that’s what he really wants to do so who are we to prevent a man like him from doing what he wants! He’ll be there for the whole Moot.

Other activities include hobo stove making/reflector ovens by Four Dogs stoves (He’s flying over form the States for the Moot as well! Flintknapping, bowmaking, knife making, Bamboo workshops, tracking, bowdrill and handrill, wild foods, cooking, shelter building, knots, cordage, plant walks, archery, safe knife use, knife sharpening, Hangi (which was a huge success last year) spoon carving and so much more. There’s going to be key workshops going on at set times and other wokshops going on all day.

It’s running from Friday 28th July through to Tuesday 1st August. 5 days / 4 nights. You can arrive from midday on the Friday and leave at any time on the Tuesday. If anyone needs to arrive earlier, or leave later contact me and I’ll see I can sort it out for you. If you arrive earlier you might be coerced into helping set up!

The cost for the Moot is
£50 an adult
£30 for youth 12-16
Under 12’s free with two adults or £5

Day rates, people are more than welcome to come for just some of the Moot:

£15 per day - This includes staying the night if needed.

Any questions feel free to shop@bushcraftuk.com if you want to pay via paypal you can do so using the same address. Please put BushMoot payment in the subject. Or send a cheque to:
Bushcraft Media Ltd
PO Box 62
SA44 5WW

It’s going to be an absolutely fantastic event that's non profit so it's as affordable as I can get it, see you there
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We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.