Hi WoodGnome,
Don't be disheartened. Certain areas are more active than others. Tend to find that some of the English & Welsh groups are more active as groups as they don't have as much free access to places to go so they band together as groups to share places they can go. Ireland & Scotland have more relaxed rules of daundering around so "groups" are less active as folks head off in solo or smaller bundles and so are less organised. Personally I'm not fond of big gatherings per say but Scotland has had a small amount of get togethers and I've been to a couple and enjoyed them.
It just needs someone to act as a catalyst to get things going. Also Christmas tends to be a time when folk have a lot of family comitments and find it hard to get away.
Keep plugging away at it and someone might pop up. Also get involved in conversations on the boards. A lot of folk can be reticent about commiting to a meeting with someone 'till they get to know them. That famous British researve.
So plug away and you never know, someone may come out of the woodwork and be your bushcraft buddy.
Sent via smoke-signal from a woodland in Scotland.