I was going to show my fire steel collection, but as I am a complete dumb bottom when it comes to adding photos, I just can't fathom out how to add them, so I'm afraid this will have to remain my secret collection.
the dragon one is by Daryl Aune.
Now, if photobucket would get their "new" sh*t program straightened out so somebody that doesn't have a high speed connection and an new gee-wizz hand-held ear jewelry type of toy could use it, I'd post a pic or three of some recent work. I just have a regular dial-up connection with an "infernal machine" almost old enough to vote. So photobucket's new program can't even get loaded up on my machine before it times itself out and starts to renew/refresh/reload. It takes sooooooo long to load their "dancing baloney" add about how great/wonderful there new options are that it can't even get to my albums/photos before timing out. And then throw in another paid add for some hokey new money-pit phone with a VIDEO clip constantly running, and everything on my "infernal machine" locks up ... waiting ... for their cr*p to download first. But they also seem to have an internal timer that tells itself to "refresh/reload" everything if they haven't received anything from my overwhelmed "infernal machine" in 20 or 30 seconds or so. I've hated that "dancing baloney" cr*p since it first started showing up all those years ago --- back when Al Gore "invented" the internet --- and before. It serves little purpose other than to ... entertain. And if I want to be entertained, I'll just turn on the TV.
I guess I'll just have to look for some new place to stash photos for posting on the web.
Rah rah. Must be time to go to sleep.
Mikey - that VERY GRUMPY ol' German blacksmith out in the