British Armycooker No 2 Mk 2 modified

Andy BB

Full Member
Apr 19, 2010
Well, after digging out my Coleman 533 from a decade of non-use, and finding it worked perfectly on the decade-old unleaded left in the tank, I thought I'd chance my arm and buy a British Army No 2 from ebay.

It seems that the general opinion on here is that they're complete rubbish, so to be fair I was expecting to waste my money (15quid including postage). It arrived tonight, and actually looked very good - a bit of rust around the legs when folded, but apart from that in excellent - almost unused condition. Filled the tank with fresh unleaded, used the needle cleaner by turning the handle, 6 pumps,followed the instructions for priming (which was to use the fuel from the tank), let it burn virtually out, then fired it up.

And its absolutely brilliant! After a couple of minutes burning off old debris and remains of the priming fuel, I got a blue, fully adjustable flame. Lots of power, and it shut off perfectly. No leaks, no yellow flames, just bags of blue heat.

Its obviously better to be born lucky than clever!


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