Bottled beer recommendations.

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I'm waiting for "Gothic" by Pig and Porter, It's just been bottled and am hoping will be available in the next few days. Should be an excellent beer. Their Whispering bob and Red Spider Rye were lovely.

I had hoped to try the Gothic at the Dover Winter beer festival, unfortunately it wasn't on. Had to console myself with some greenjack Baltic trader instead. If you like dark strong beer try Gadds imperial Russian stout, its great. Gadds brewery shop is worth a visit if your near Ramsgate, doss very cheap takeout, anything from a couple of pints up to a barrel.
Yeah, the people running the festival in Dover were not very good. The casks were delivered at 12:00:03, and as that was considered past noon, they weren't put on. A lot of very disappointed people very angry with the organisers.

I've not tried the Gadds imperial Russian Stout, will have to investigate when I'm over that way next. I might be employed by a Brewery, as well as a Beer Wholesaler, but because I spend most of my days driving a van, I don't get to drink anywhere near as much as I would like. I visit the best pubs in London and Kent. I drink tap water as I have to get back in the van once I've unloaded the casks...


My local brewery is the Ringwood Brewery. I recently bought a Piggin (18 pints) of Forty-Niner. I know it's not strictly a bottle but I do find it to be a really nice pint and it's often available in free houses in the area.

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Relatively new craft brewery down the road an hour in Valemount.
Three Ranges Brewery (for the intersection of 3 mountain ranges).
"Swamp Donkey Ale" has a really good flavour and I'm not much of a beer drinker at all.
Of course you all know what Swamp Donkeys are?
I had hoped to try the Gothic at the Dover Winter beer festival, unfortunately it wasn't on. Had to console myself with some greenjack Baltic trader instead. If you like dark strong beer try Gadds imperial Russian stout, its great. Gadds brewery shop is worth a visit if your near Ramsgate, doss very cheap takeout, anything from a couple of pints up to a barrel.

I picked up some of the Pig and Porter "Black Pig" Their collab brew with Blackjack Brewery. I tried to buy it direct from the brewery as is my usual method, but they were out of stock, so had to track the last few bottles down to a shop in Whitstable.

Really looking forward to it.

As i am from Wearside. It has to be Double Maxim. Far better than Newcastle brown ale.

Do they still brew maxim there ? I had a taste for it when I was on a YTS sceme in the 90's ! I used to like drinking the odd bottle of broon too until they moved it south of the river to Dunston and now its brewed in woolyback land, so its not proper dog now !

cheers Andrew.

Sorry but there is only one bottled beer and I'm afraid that is Newcastle Brown Ale!

Cameron's Strongarm runs a close second.

I do remember many years ago, my mam and dad took over a pub and we sold some Gold Label Barley Wine which was years (and I mean years) out of date. It went down a storm, and there were a few bad heads the next day. Shame we only had a couple of crates as people were asking for it for weeks.


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