I plan to head out to check tomorrow.
I'll post up when I get back.
A few questions if you don't mind...
Are those bungs the standard size demijohn ones? (Assuming demijohns are a standard size)
How do you attach the hose to the waterbags?
Do the hoses fit the bungs with a friction fit or do you use an adhesive? (If so, which one?)
Where can I find waterbags? The nearest thing I know of are the camelbak type bladders and it doesn't look like you're using those.
They are standard size bungs - yes. I don't attach the hose to the bags, I just stick it in and tie the bags onto the trunk at the neck. The hoses fit the bungs nice and tight, so no worries about them coming out, no need to use an adhesive. The waterbags are just platypus bags from Blacks or Millets. The 2L ones are probably best, i'm sure that the hose can be adapted to fit the pull caps they come with, but I never felt the need to use them.