Beyond boundaries


Dec 13, 2004
Zaandam, the Netherlands
Beyond Boundaries, BBC2, Tue 11 Oct, 21:00 - 22:00 60 mins

Don't know if this series has got any bushcraft in it but I'm gonna watch it anyway.

This is what the BBC says about it:

"This new four-part series follows eleven people as they attempt to make history by trekking 220 miles from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean through the impenetrable mosquito jungle and crocodile infested rivers of Central America.
The first episode introduces the trekkers - Ade and Sophie are both in wheelchairs and face the challenge equipped with specially designed jungle chairs; Daryl has spina bifida; Jane, Lorraine, Glenn, Toby, Warren and Karl are amputees; Amar is blind; and Charlie is deaf.
After only fifteen miles into the journey, there is an unexpected departure"



Full Member
Spacemonkey said:
Sounds interesting, if not a little exploitive?

I wouldn't say that, the expedition leader is a guy called Ken Hames and he has done work with many people from different walks of life including taking disadvanteged kids up mount Kenya whilst he was still in the forces.

He has a bit of a passion for the outdoors and believes that anyone should be able to enjoy the many different aspects of it from what I know.

He has had other programmes on before (Desert Darlings and Jungle Janes to name a couple of them).:)


May 8, 2005
Okay, fair enough. I can just imagine a bunch of BBc exec's sitting around a recycled woodchip table, supping their free trade latte's over their Guardians, dreaming up new programs, when one peruvian hat wearing individual puts down his tofu bar and announces that he has a great idea for a new program- "Get a group of disabled people...."

(by the way, this is a dig at the TV Media luvvies not disabled people who wan't to get on with a normal life. Good luck to them I say!) ;)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 8, 2005
Sounds like could be interesting programme. I hope they start at the beginning, ie putting their kit together, and whatever preparation they've had.

The "unexpected depature" sounds like the leader may not be around for long, in a leader sense anyways.


Jan 28, 2005
Just watched this program and have been amazed at the inner strength and determination that some of these guys and girls have already shown . Some of you may be aware that my wife uses a wheel chair so i know how hard it is to push one through a forest ( not quite the same as the jungle though) . I have nothing but admiration for all those on this journey , with one exception , Charlie .
As a junior para i completed "p company" but dislocated my knee on the last event (still passed though) . During my time with the paras i learnt what a "Quitter" is , i saw many a bloke who thoght they were extremely tough fall by the wayside . Charlie doesnt have it in him . i will be very supprised if he makes it through , especialy without getting punched (he annoyed me already , can you tell?) . His disability is the least restricting.

Big respect to the rest of the gang . :You_Rock_


Need to contact Admin...
Feb 14, 2005
Halton West Uk
have to agree, some real determination between them, Charlie with his strength and (compared to others) low disability really isn't mentally strong and by the end it made uncomfortable viewing watching him as the others really tried to pull it off.


mark a.

Jul 25, 2005
Good programme. Should be good to follow through the series.

It's interesting how little you see of Ken Hames. Presumably he's there in the background sorting everything and helping when he can, but it's great to see that the team are pretty much having to do most of it themselves (as that's pretty much the whole point).

swamp donkey

Jun 25, 2005
I was out visiting last night and saw the prog first telly for a while as no TV at home :)
Hey Guys we should cut charlie a bit of slack for a number of reasons

1. He is so far out of his comfort zone , I am suprised he got there at all.

2. It is often the case that the most muscle bound guys fail quicker than the slightly tubby. Gym fitness does not give you stamina and a sudden reduction in calories makes people feel ill and muscle burns quicker than fat. :(

3.Probably most important is understanding his disability , My daughter is a signer and does voluntary work with deaf folk. For many deaf folk the struggle is mental rather phyical as they appear just the same as everboby else. But they often feel very alone even in company because they dont know whats going on , they can not keep up with conversations , they misunderstand because they only hear a part of the conversation and then get cross and embaressed. In many respects the problems can be worse for lip readers than signers. As an example I gave a talk earlier in the year, the audance had a large percentage of lip readers . I had barely started to speak when a hand shot up to tell me that they could not understand me because my moustache was to bushy :) :eek: so could not read my lips. Quick trip to the toilet out with the swiss amry knife scissors sorted :rolleyes: . Strong words with the organisers afterwards :)

A geat example for the rest of us none the less.

I dont know how much training they did before they left UK but some of the kit and techniques used / recommended seem odd to me . I also just wanted to beat he doctor over the head :( My wife (AE nurse ) always said dont let doctors near a wound :p (sorry Doc )


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Aug 15, 2005
Cardiff, South Wales
It was very interesting and I agree with most of what's been said. Some of them (Glen stood out for me) were totally awe-inspiring.

Charlie did want a bit of a slap at one stage IMO, but we'll have to see what happens next week. :slap: It might be the editing. I did notice him single-handedly pushing the blond girl twice towards the end of the episode.

It's very easy to judge a) from the comfort of home and b) with all of my limbs and senses. :)

Certainly make you think, and realise how lucky you are.

@Swamp donkey - what did the Doc do wrong?


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 8, 2005
Yes, was good programme.
Think I might have told Charlie to go home by now. Thou to be fair some of his erm.. points were done direct to the camera, so maybe looked alittle worse that it maybe was.

Also, did wonder why the wheels weren't puncture proof? :confused:


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 15, 2005
I only caught it briefly and had to turn over - they whole premise just seemed so appallingly exploitative it made me want to smash my telly (probably not a bad idea). I really do think these "reality" shows are just a modern equivalent of the old freak show - I'd be willing to bet money that the group has been carefully selected to provide maximum opportunity for conflict and "drama". Bets on one or more members of the party ending up with severe physical or mental health problems as a result of this show?

I guess I just hate this type of TV.


Jun 21, 2005
dorset, uk
scanker said:
Charlie did want a bit of a slap at one stage IMO, but we'll have to see what happens next week. :slap: It might be the editing. I did notice him single-handedly pushing the blond girl twice towards the end of the episode.
ha ha, Charlie become the most hated guy in Britain last night but I agree with scanker re editing. We have to remember that this is telly and the editor's job is to hook the audience emotionally. I felt myself being enticed to be angry with Charlie and felt deeply sorry for the wheelchair girl, especially her lavatorial plight ... but it could easily have been edited to demonize her, showing her railing on about half the people in the world being a waste of space and shouting at people while being carried by the rest of the team.

I'm keen to see how differently people are portrayed next week.


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