Beyond boundaries

Steve K

May 12, 2004
Eastleigh, Hampshire
There are probably many reasons why they didn't but I think it would have been very interesting to see some team members who were not physically disabled.

I would imagine that this would show us just capable and adaptable the other teams members are in the face of the physical challenges they have.

I've not been to the jungle myself but understand that it is a very demanding environment to find oneself in and not just physically.

This post is not intended to open a can of worms as I don't think it is the right place but rather a reflection of my thoughts as I watched the program and considered amazing achivement they the whole team was making.


Dec 22, 2003
Skerries, Co. Dublin
I found very interesting. Being physically(sp) able (if not very unfit) I can only imagine how difficult I would find this journey.

Charlie has his problems and is a very vocal about so it's easy for the editor to pick on him but we will see.

Another thing that interests me from the programme is how deteremind and stronge willied many of them are as I said I doubt I would be up too it and shames me a little.

I am involved in the scouts and particular the Venture scouts 16-21. It can be hard to motivate them sometimes and I have told several of them to watch tonights episode to see how they react.

Their views and insight can often be very enlighting.

I'm not a big fan of reality TV, but somehow this seems a bit different. Inspirational even. I'm prepared to give Charlie the benifit of the doubt, as I'm sure we are only seeing the parts that the editer wants us to see. It will be interesting to know if everyone will be protrayed fairly. Then again, he might well be a "Prima Donna" who wants to be the centre of attention. I know of a fair number of people like that. I'll withold judgement. You never know, he may come through OK. Wait and see.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Aug 15, 2005
Cardiff, South Wales
Well, another interesting programme. :rolleyes:

I think there's a divide emerging which distinguishes the "sorry for themselves" from the "sheer determinations" - those that are part of the team and those that are not. I'm not going to comment on the individuals.

It's definitely an interesting programme, with some good laughs as well as the lows - "I'm advantaged - who else can pick a boiled egg from a pan of boiling water without a spoon!" I was disappointed to see the departure of Glen - I thought he was the most inspirational so far, but he obviously aggravated his injury in helping the others. :(


Jul 18, 2005
jamesdevine said:
Another thing that interests me from the programme is how deteremind and stronge willied many of them are

I didn't know you knew them that well! :naughty:

They are a really impressive bunch of people, the way they always seem to keep going regardless of personal upset (although Charlie does seem to talk a lot...)

I've met Adi a couple of times and I must say he's a very good team player, and can be a really good leader. I'd like him along on an expedition even if I did have to push him all the way!


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