I'm an easy fire guy, so here's how it goes for me: I keep a ton of birch scraps in the bottom of my rucksack. it takes up no room that way, and is easy to scrape and strike into something that will light a featherstick. I also bought a few pounds of Fatwood on eBay dirt cheap and always keep a few sticks around. I have also packed little lengths of Jute that tear up into nice tinder. They drop into all sorts of spaces in my ruck. Between the bark, fatwood, jute and a ferro rod, I'm never too far from a fire, and don't have all the ridiculousness of little tins and bags stuffed with junk. To be fair, I've also been know to light a wet morning fire with a vasalined cotton ball when I'm crabby, wet and want a fire right now. Those things will lite up fatwood and everything else up real quick. Don't leave home without it. There you go.