Benchmade Rift 950-1: one day in his life

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Oct 25, 2009
as for the other knives that I buyed, also when I got the Rift I have been dream for many adventures...well, any adventures has come, but today is a normal, very normal day...our challenge today is take care of the garden (don't blame me for his look, I DON'T have time for gardening :)

good job on any bamboos...

precise works were also performed pretty well...

clean cuts...

it's now time for some underground jobs...I hate this kind of plants on my garden

ahaha! you had what you deserve!

any others small jobs...

washing the Rift with some water...

this design it's easy to clean

it's time to lunch, my fellow BM Rift help us to prepare cheese, vegetables and cutting bread...bon appetit!

PROS: robust, light, good both for EDC than outdoors activities, smooth opening, no plays on the blade at all also after hard works, 154CM is a good steel and easy to resharpening, blade geometry works well, pretty good ergonomics handle, easy to cleaning.
CONS: any hot spots ant the handle, having 3-4 millimeters more in handle tickness could help.

Ciao, Alfredo


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