Belt kit


Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!
I've seen people carrying stuff on their belts before, most people carry a knife on a belt when out in the bush. (Not all though, just in case there is a pedant about who neck carries! :rolleyes:) I have also seen people with what I can only describe as a Bat-Belt! They have all sorts on it, my Dad is one of them! He carries all sorts of stuff, Zippo lighter in a leather case, Leathermans in a leather case, Maglite, in a leather case! He even has a set of handcuffs, although he can't, by Law, use them! :rolleyes: Guess what they're in? Yeah, a leather case! :D

I recently got a possibles pouch and a sheath from Topknot, I will get some photos up and the contents of the possibles soon, but it carries some essentials and they do me just fine. I don't want to add anything else to my belt kit, but I was wondering what others carry on their belts for an outdoor trip, not in town but out of town. Any pics are more than welcome, do you have a simple belt kit, or do you have a Bat-Belt or even worse, a Star Wars Stormtrooper belt with mini grappling hook, two way radio..........


Mikey P

Full Member
Nov 22, 2003
Glasgow, Scotland
I've got a 'work' beltkit for deployments/ops but for normal days out, it's usually a pistol lanyard on my belt with a SAK Soldier on the end of it in my pocket,'s it. I use the lanyard because the SAK seems to be a bit slippery and likes to dive out of my thigh front pocket.

I tend to keep things in my pockets or Maxpedition go-bag - I'm not expecting to get bounced in the middle of the night so belt kit seems a bit extreme for bushcrafting. Get's in the way too.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 21, 2007
It is good to carry stuff on your belt I have a knife and possibles pouch, at night I will add my Fennix torch, you can go crazy though I think its just knowing when to stop and say to yourself do I really need a crappling hook on there, hmmmmmm

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
I ahve a variety of belt kit - it sort of depends what I'm doing. For day bimbles its my Sak pouch and stone and steel pouch (both by topknot also) and my battered old possibles pouch (which contains such oddities as a monocular for bird watching, mini FAK for bites and blisters, lighter, putitabs for replensihing water from streams etc.)




When out and about, I wear my knife and pouch on the "strong side" and my axe on the "weak side" (cross draw).


I know no-one else who belt carries an axe, but it works for me with the lightweight Cegga axe (thats what I designed it for). Since its primary use is wood gathering and my hands are full of wood, I like the axe "stowed". On occasions it comes out on the baldric which turns into a "fallen wood" strap and comes home on my belt. It tends to live on my ice axe straps when wearing my pack and traveling and then move to my belt in camp though.



Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!
Like your possibles pouch Red. I'm gonna have to get some photos done tomorrow of Topknots work, it is amazing isn't it? I think your pouch is marginally bigger, but I get my DC4 in mine along with an Opi 8, a small antique wooden matchcase that the missus bought me for an anniversary present (the irish guys will love it!), a CMG Infinity torch, a ferro stick, peanut lighter, stainless steel whistle and a sliver of maya wood. Lots of fire making kit actually, I might redistribute it a bit and bang my pipe and a bit of baccy in there!


Full Member
Jul 16, 2006
All I carry on my belt is my knife, Laplander saw and a waterbottle.
FAK, PSK, Compass, fire lighting gear, and my snack/brew pack go in my jacket or trouser pockets.


Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!
I tend to forget things, so if it stays in the pouch, then I know I just need to grab it and go! Plus, in winter months I wear lots of clothing with lots of pockets. It can become a bit of a laugh trying to find something! :D

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
I tend to forget things, so if it stays in the pouch, then I know I just need to grab it and go! Plus, in winter months I wear lots of clothing with lots of pockets. It can become a bit of a laugh trying to find something! :D
Thats why I do it Spam. I keep my possibles pouches with all the handy bimble bits in (above and beyond normal pocket gear). So small Silva compass etc all live in there and I just sling the pouch on my belt and go. Many times its come in handy (BB is allergic to bites so I carry antihistamine etc. in it). Its jsut a colection of those "nice to haves" really. I find it useful when out for a weekend to - I dump my pack as soon as but those little items stay with me. Bigger stuff lives in my side pockets of the ruck so I can remove them and go for day walks with brew kit etc.


British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
You poor starved soul Spam :(

Well, if theres any leftovers next week I'll let you know. No jerky though - just "home made" winter stuff....fudge, coconut ice, cranberrry and port jelly, pears in brandy syrup and pineapple and ginger preserve. BB's finishing off the christmas cakes and christmas puddings so I'll need to whip up some fresh brandy butter too. Logs are all stacked now so I can focus on the cooking next week :)

Not your sort of thing at all really ;)



Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!
Blimey, I might come round yours for christmas! I was gonna give the jerky a go the other day, but the beef in the freezer, well, it isn't fresh for starters :rolleyes: and it has a lot of fat marbling so a bit of a nuisance. I'll get down the butchers and have a .........errrrr..........butchers!



Full Member
Apr 4, 2007
for work i have to carry on my belt:
a key strap
key belt clip to secure them
a first aid kit
loads of first aid gloves
torch in pouch (on nites for room checks)
all the other stuff i carry in my pockets.


Sep 22, 2006
W Yorkshire
All I carry on my belt is my knife, Laplander saw and a waterbottle.
FAK, PSK, Compass, fire lighting gear, and my snack/brew pack go in my jacket or trouser pockets.

Another one for pockets here! On my belt I carry a knife. Attached to the belt is a lanyard with a pouch (firesteel+tinder) that sits in my pocket. All other important stuff goes into the pockets (compass [attached to a belt loop], folding cup, compress+band aid, map).

Less important stuff goes into the backpack. Woolen hats and gloves usually lives in my jacket.

This set-up stems from me being higly mobile, and almost always carry a pack. If I kept lots of stuff on my belt it would chaf against the waistbelt on the pack.


Mar 5, 2006
I carry a cotton pouch on my belt with birch bark in it. I carry my knife around my neck now, because with winter coming my belt gets buried under layers of clothes. Otherwhise in summer I rather carry it on the belt. Also I think the waistband of the rucksack makes it impossible to carry anything on the belt for me when I'm on a trip.

I got some stuff hanging from lines on the belt, going into the pockets. Like a sak, small torch and firesteel+striker. The lines make it impossible to loose them, but also really easy to get them out of the pocket.

When I'm collecting firewood I also hang my axe or machete on the belt like British Red.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.