Beginners Bushcraft


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
Get them cooking, not boil in the bag but real food. How to prep bunnies, joint up a chicken peel and dice veg, make good stews, cook sausages without burning them etc. Teach them to feed themselves and others first then worry about carving a spoon later.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 8, 2006
they do love to cook and we do a lot of pasta on trangias but Im not sure if they're aloud to skin rabbits. Good idea though.

You could do a demo though, then get them to help cook and eat them up :)
At least it'll get them thinking about doing it when they can

Wild food walks are good.

Ask a local wood turner to bring along a pole lath and let them have a go. Ive spend a couple of weekends helping a turner to do this with young kids, but what they rearly enjoy is using shave horses. Weve had no accidents yet and they like and respect being allowed to use large sharp tools safely to create the rounds for the lathe. Some are so naturally good and keen that they continue to make very round peices and you have to peel the kids off the chair:D

Safe battoning with axes and billhooks is good but if done right is very safe, and they feel like they are doing something adult and important by createing dry wood of the right thicknesses for the fire your cooking that stew on.

Carving is a good one try a spatula first so that they get technique before using spoon knives, as they can be tricky.


Bushcrafter through and through
Nov 29, 2003
they do love to cook and we do a lot of pasta on trangias but Im not sure if they're aloud to skin rabbits. Good idea though.

If your Scouts are competent enough there's no reason why not. There's a Survival camp round my way that they do every other year and they have the Scouts skinning rabbits on it.


Full Member
Feb 13, 2010
We've cooked eggs and cake in oranges, but how do you do bacon in a paper bag?
Thanks for all the great ideas. Where could I buy some spooning knives cheap?
Ill see about the wood turning (did anyone see Mastercrafts on BBC2 the other day where they were doing bodging/ green woodworking?)

P.S. I currently have a Nieto HK8502 knife (4.5 inch blade). I am thinking of buying a new sheath knife. Can anyone suggest a good, well priced, knife that stays sharp well (of similar size)? Ta
We've cooked eggs and cake in oranges, but how do you do bacon in a paper bag?
Thanks for all the great ideas. Where could I buy some spooning knives cheap?
Ill see about the wood turning (did anyone see Mastercrafts on BBC2 the other day where they were doing bodging/ green woodworking?)

P.S. I currently have a Nieto HK8502 knife (4.5 inch blade). I am thinking of buying a new sheath knife. Can anyone suggest a good, well priced, knife that stays sharp well (of similar size)? Ta

not tellin on the bacon get them to find out ;) patrol comp could last a few weeks :D

on spoon knifes im happy to supply a few for scouting purpuses at a considerable discount espesially if you can take blades only and put your own handles on
other than that Frosts make em and can be found for £12-£20 ish but need a bit of work to make then safeand usable IMO

on a well priced knife you cant beat a Frosts Mora I like the clipper




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