Bears in the yard

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
Well, I guess I'll call "BS" there. If you shoot a creature with salt its either competely ineffective (which you claim it isn't) or it creates a wound,

If you shoot something and break the skin - its a wound. neither tiny little grains of lead or salt are likely to kill a bear. If you prefer to kill everything - that's your call. A little non lethal persuasion is no bad thing in my book, be it bean bags, rubber shot or bird shot.

Oh - and as for the chance of bird shot risking "over penetration" on a bear - really - you mean a through and through? On a bear? With tiny little pin head sized shot? Hardly going to happen



Dec 18, 2008
Well BR,
"If you prefer to kill everything - that's your call." Never said that, I kill my meat, I don't play with it

"A little non lethal persuasion is no bad thing in my book, be it bean bags, rubber shot or bird shot." My firearm is to provide food for the table not to punish, never point or pull the trigger on something you aren't going to eat.

"Oh - and as for the chance of bird shot risking "over penetration" on a bear - really - you mean a through and through?" Never said that either but deliberate wounding (backside full of metal shot is just that) is never right, you should know that.
He never said he used a bean bag shot but did say it was bird shot (never said either what size shot it was did he, so don't limit it to "tiny little pin head sized shot" he didn't say, and you being a reloader should know better on the diversity of shot size.
As far as "I'll call "BS" there" we could exchange that banality all night and still would not agree.
I notice that we are the only 2 still posting on this subject????


Sep 24, 2008
New Hampshire
I grew up in quite a different locale and time
1: reduced loads with felt wad and paper capsule, dedicated shotgun
2: salt on backside while wearing short pants (naked back thighs)
3: raiding a farmers garden with others at night (rez life is boring)
4: rock salt much larger crystals than on the video
funny that injuring a bear with bird shot just falls by the way side when Elmer Fudd and Bugs Bunny enter the equations
everyone should know someone like me :)

How did you know that the fellow who shot you was using felt wads and larger than normal salt crystals? How did you know he had a shotgun dedicated to only using salt? How did you know he was using reduced power loads? Did you discuss these things with him before or after he shot you? And why would reduced-power loads penetrate when full-power ones won't?

I'll call BS, too.

And peppering a bear's bottom with 7 1/2 shot from 25 yards or so away isn't going to do it a bit of permanent harm, as you'd know if you were what you're pretending to be on the internet.


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
A bitty off the topic, but my bother shot me once with a .22 air rifle loaded with sugar in a twist of paper :rolleyes: For some bizarre reason he reckoned he could blast all the caterpilars that were devouring the leaves of the gooseberry bush by shooting them with a load of sugar. It blasted the leaves and the caterpilars to mush, but he decided to have a go at me too.........result on my bare legs from about two yards was the worst cast of road rash ever seen, that stung like a, a, a very stingy bad thing :tapedshut for about ten days.........of course after Mum got hold of him he couldn't sit down for just as long either :bluThinki :cool:

No idea about salt in a shotgun, but sugar in an airgun was not funny :sigh:



Dec 18, 2008
Felt wads was the norm in those days, he didn't go hunting anymore so all he used the shotgun was for garden raids. We all knew who was there and what we could expect.
We have only 2 types of salt and no one would use expensive table salt for that purpose so road rock salt it was and you don't need to use a full powder load for a lighter shot weight
All I said he salted our back side with the loads.

Now as far as injuring the bear with 7 1/2 bird shot, until this last post you never specified it or the distance, which by the way is immaterial, deliberately shooting/wounding a sow with cubs is against the law and immoral here as most places (nice picture by the way) I expect New Hampshire is the same.

You are wrong and are trying to cover it up with a a Hail Mary whish about no permanent damage (I sincerely hope that is the case, for the bear)

The internet hides a lot, look in a mirror before casting accusation.

The BS here is more in the vain of Bear S

Now are you going after Toddy??? one mans salt is another womans sugar.

Every one deserves a friend like me :)


Sep 24, 2008
New Hampshire
... kill it...

So you recommend killing a bear with three cubs...

... immoral ...

But you think stinging it's bottom with birdshot is immoral...

My back side has been on the receiceving end of such a load...

And your story about being shot with rocksalt is pure BS. You know it and I know it, and after your contradictory attempts at explaining it, I doubt anyone here thinks it passes the smell test. Quit while you're behind.

... I also hunt, though not bears (for personal reasons)...

Because there are no bears in your mother's basement?


May 6, 2007
That's right. I reckon capital punishment for nuisance kids should be the norm!:D
A lot of places over hear bears are pests. If you had them
getting in your trash and gardens you would feel like we do.
And if they don't take the hent the first time. They will the next time:nutkick:


Jan 5, 2009
Kansas USA
That "box o' truth" website given above has a great test of the old 45.-70, it not only out penetrated all the other calibers that he was comparing it against, it blew the back out of the "box of truth". If you like ballistics, or just shooting, you owe it to yourself to check it out.


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