Be careful out there folks


Jun 22, 2009
South Wales
A treasure hunting Youtuber I follow posted up the video below today. In case you don't want to watch he goes into the woods with some friends to dig out an old bottle dump looking for old or collectable bottles, each to their own right. Sadly a couple of members of the public reported seeing men carrying a bag into the woods and a full armed response was called in including a helicopter and dogs. It's interesting just to listen to the police officer's explaination of the response and to see what happens in that kind of situation. He seems to suggest that this is the normal response these days. I wouldn't have believed this sort of thing really happens without the video. It's around the London area I think so probably a bit more high alert than the rest of the country but still a bit overblown for a bit of poaching. It's not just the police response though but the opinions of the public regarding people going into the woods carrying stuff and wearing camo.



Sent off - Not allowed to play
Feb 10, 2016
Grand Cayman, Norway, Sweden
I would hate to have to experience something like that, but looking at the situation from the ‘other side’:
A couple of dodgy looking blokes dressed to blend in, carrying something bulky and well covered up, into a forested area.

If I saw that, I would call the police too, to be truthful.


Dec 28, 2018
West Sussex
Being an occasional metal detectorist, I have carried my detector in a longish case with a sling. I've had several casual enquiries from other members of the public asking me if I've got a gun.
I don't think think the guys in the video mentioned wether or not they had permission to be on and dig the land. What I know about civil law could probably be written on the back of postage stamp. But...I have a feeling that a landowner could potentially take a person to court under certain circumstances.
I have to agree though, the police handled the situation very professionally.
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Woody girl

Full Member
Mar 31, 2018
To be fair, the armed response wasn't because they were digging a hole. The police officers give a good account of why they acted at the level they did in the video.

Sorry mate.. I do have a rather odd sense of humour sometimes. I thought the overuse of question marks and the use of comedian ken dodd's phrase discombobulated might give a clue. But I do realise not everyone will get it.

Robson Valley

On a new journey
Nov 24, 2014
McBride, BC
I can see the concern regarding the 12 gauge shovels that the pubic public had seen.
Or were they .45 cal garden trowels?

Here, middens have enormous historical value, back into thousands of years paleo.
Documented excavations use money, people and time. Never enough.
I'd expect no less all across the UK.


Dec 3, 2005
I can somewhat relate to this, a couple of years ago I was on a shoot and last drive of the day we noticed the police helicopter up above and thought nothing of it, as we walked off the field to go to our vehicles 4 armed response teams turned up and two dog vans!

Well we must have looked like terrorists, dress in tweed and wax jackets etc and the average was about 55, they could see the humorous side of the things and so could we, but someone had called in to say they had seen armed (correct) suspicious looking people walking across a field, the shoot had been there for some 25 years!

Two issues, the perception of the public and lack of good old local bobbies who knew what was going on, (retired policeman my self). And I’m sure the guys going to dig, description given to the police was, the bin bags looked like they contained half dozen, 50 cal Barrets. The Police, you’re right they are doing their job and with their financial restraints they could do without this time wasting situations.


Full Member
Feb 13, 2016
I think it shows how careful you need to be when out and about,especially in a group and/or if you look or act suspicious then a member of the Public can and probably will report you, and if you were carrying a knife you could end up in serious trouble, despite what could be a reasonable excuse to carry one.
its also important to remember what the Officer said, that the days have gone when a Beat Bobby would be asked to investigate a group that may be armed or dangerous


Full Member
Feb 13, 2016
Best solution is to name your house and do away with the number, Dunroamin, Thistledome, and dare I say Letsbeavinyou,
What a Palaver


Apr 26, 2012
A couple of dodgy looking blokes dressed to blend in, carrying something bulky and well covered up, into a forested area.

If I saw that, I would call the police too, to be truthful.

Let's hope you never come to one of the moots then, you've just described it perfectly!
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Sep 29, 2018
SW Wales
" Damned if they do, damned if they don't. "...

Yep! You nailed it... The same Snowflakes would whine, 'why didn't the Police do something about that buried arms cache, after they were told about strange men digging in the wood?'.......:laugh:


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.