See all those "empty" bits of land, they're not empty, they are owned and farmed. Every damned inch of this island is owned by someone. It's their choice, but that choice has to take account of their neighbours too.
There's another issue, and it's a big one, and the Lynx is a classic example. There comes a point where a population pool is too small. Zoos have huge issues trying to keep genetics healthy. How many wolves do you think it would need to keep their population healthy ? How long before a pack becomes inbred, or breeds out with domestic dogs ? and like all the comments about how wolves are shy and keep away from people
they need food, they choose the easiest food to find. It's one thing to have domestic foxes running through the gardens (and have you seen the size of them ? there are some round here that are as big as labradors, they are certainly bigger than collies).
The native wild cat struggles, how the hell are lynx going to do any better ? Deer calves…..that's all of oooh maybe two months in the year. What about the rest of the time ? Wee roe deer ? maybe ? how about the real problem of the red deer ? and lets not forget the woolly speedbumps. That leaves birds, the ones that the hunting/shooting fraternity pay good money to use as sport, and in doing so help support estate economies.
This island isn't empty, it's blooming busy.