Back Pain Advice??

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May 8, 2005
I have suffered back pain since i tore some lumbar mucles/ligaments when I was 17. It comes and goes and has been something i have lived with. This last fortnight has been excrutiating though.

It's whenever I bend even only slightly. When standing upright I'm fine, when sat it's not bad, but when i move....arrgh! It's not a sharp stabbing pain, it's not down the legs it's in the lumber region about a couple of inches either side and including the lumbar vertabrae.

The worrying thing is that my grandad had spinal curvature develop when he was my age that slowly got worse. When I look down, my torso looks like it is an inch or so towards the left, if yuo get my drift, and i have to conciously stand straight to correct it.

To all those that know about these things, is it likely, as i suspect, that I have slightly 'dislocated' my spine on my pelvis, if you understand what I mean?

Is it best to simply see a GP (which I don't have and has been useless for this in the past. They just prescribe Ibuprofen (gee, hadn't thought of that!) or if I'm lucky a trip to the physiotherapist which has again proved useless) or to try a Chiropractor, Osteopath or anything else? Do all Chiropractors have access to Xray equipment for correct diagnosis???

Has anyone experiences with similar problems and cures/treatments?

Any ideas?


Need to contact Admin...
Aug 5, 2004
I would reccomend a chiropractor, they won't have the kit on site but can refer you to the hospital for an MRI or Xray.
It is surprising what they can "feel" without the hight tec kit though, I had and elbow problem for a while, niggly but it wouldn't go, my chiropractor cousin poked around then "threw" my arm out, problem dissapeared!
It will cost you for the scan/xray if needed as it will be a private referall.

Ogri the trog

Apr 29, 2005
Mid Wales UK
You have my sympathies mate,
I though that I had experienced back pain in the past until a time early last summer. I had been laying on the floor and went to get up when "wham" I spent 45 minutes stuck half way up, not knowing whether to lay back down or continue trying to get up. Truely a scary experience.
All I can say is "Do Something" get some balls rolling that flag the problem to those that you might need assistance from in the future.
My biggest failing is carrying too much weight and not enough exercise - but scares like that will soon convince me to get into shape again.


Ogri the trog


Jul 16, 2004
Gåskrikki North Lincs
Spacemonkey, yeah, its a burden alright.

Similar things with me, lived with it a long time, belief that the body is bent and one leg shorter than t,other.

Can go for ages without having a belt off it, then usually its something stupid like going on tiptoes when arms are overhead, sneezing, digging from the kneeling position, even slipping; theyve all been the cause of a re-ocurrence thats just not funny at all.
Cant even, (daren,t even) sit at the toilet. Always with yer gut muscles in tension.
When its bad, thats it, forget climbing stairs, forget getting out the chair, or off the floor.

Have tried the lot, m8 .

The only time I ever got close to taking away the pain, was with a sports injury specialist, who gave me a powerful knuckle blow in the arc of my foot .

As a very much younger guy,he was into allsorts of combat things.


P,raps one of these fellahs is who you need to see.

You gotta laugh, though; all the logistic probs of a visit to the medics, with ploddy agony and clenched teeth, and what do they do, eh...give you a line for a bottle !


Full Member
You have my sympathy mate.

A few years ago I offset my pelvis, I had been out running and taken a misstep off a curb which jarred me, when I initially got back it didn't give me too much of a problem, but over the next day or so my back went into spasm, I could barely get out of bed at the I was in that much pain with it.

When things subsided a bit I went to see the doctor and he, as he had with you, prescribed Ibuprofen and after a while the pain subsided. The problem was that it did not sort it out, I could not go out running or doing fitness because the amount of grief that I would suffer from it afterwards.

I had I buprofen, Arthotec 50 and Voltarol rapid prescribed over a period of time. Over the last Christmas period it got bad again (ruined Christmas and New year) and I eventually went to see a Osteopath, I got a massage of the lower region of my back (lumbar just above the pelvis) and then he did a little manipulation (effectively dropping his body weight onto my back in a controlled manner from different positions), when I came out it felt like someone had poured deep heat over my back and my back in general felt a lot looser. He gave me some basic exercises to do, which I follow to the letter and touch wood I have had virtually no problems with my back since.

I am even working out a progressive fitness plan now.

I know people that have seen a chirpractor for the same thing and they have had similair results, so yes I would say go and see either a chiropractor or Osteopath, but ask your doc first to see if he thinks that it may be of benefit to you.:)

Good luck with it,



Nov 27, 2004
Hull, East Yorkshire, UK.
My back frequently gets sore, and has frozen a couple of times, so I know how unfunny it is. I'd recommend you just keep trying different professionals, ideally referred by your GP. Health professionals in britain are well trained, but they're only human, and can miss things. Count yourself lucky that you live in britain. My wife pulled a muscle in her neck and the chinese (chinese person, and chinese medicine) doctor that we went to put her in traction for 2 days. When you're in that kind of situation Britain and the nhs seem like paradise.


Feb 4, 2006
Arizona, USA
I would recommend going to a chiropractor...I am biased though as I am half way through my studies to become one. Chiropractors deal with many problems similar to yours, on a daily basis.

Most Chiropractors either have x-ray can refer you to one. Even before x-rays, the DC should be able to have a very good idea of what is going on. Diagnosis comes from history, physical, palpation, othopedic and other tests. X-ray, MRI, and such are wonderful tools, but usually serve to confirm or rule out diagnosis.


May 21, 2005
Whereever I lay my Hat
Space Monkey,
I know how you feel , back in 1982 I slipped several discs in the lumbar region spent 2 years laying on the floor .They offered me a operation that only had a 25% success rate ,could end up in a wheel chair,I passed on that.Slowly started exercising ,yoga,isometric and karate which I had been doing prior to the accident,the doctors said that my injury could have been worse if I had not been so fit.I to have a curvature of the spine now and shrunk nearly 2 inches.Up until 2 years ago I had not really had any problems with it,though it was always in the back of my mind when lifting things.Then 2 years ago I had a accident at work and damaged a few vertibraes in the same area,was sent to a chiropractor these people are fantastic , they dont need xrays though they do help,its all done with feel,from what I could gather.Now I was originally told by Doctors that I was not allowed to play any sports,climb ladders and participate in any kind of physical activity.Now I have never been a couch potato ,always been into sport,exercise and of course the outdoors.I am in pain most days its like my lumbar region is in a vice ,I dont have any movement,sometimes getting stuck in a position I cant get out of,so have to make some strange movement to get out of it.I sometimes resort to pain kilers .I have to live with it ,I would suggest you visit a Chiropractor.


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
This is a little off the wall.
I fell in an icy gorge and broke my tailbone....trying to save that sore aching bit a few days later I slipped two discs and nipped the sciatic nerve.....icy cold feeling and incessant pins and needles in my right leg from the knee down for four months, and excruciating pain in my lower hip. I've got 900 mg ibuprofen, voltarol, rofecoxib ......ran out of available drugs....eventually I went to see a friend who is a Bowen's therapist.

I freely admit I'm a huge sceptic, I can see the chiropractor's knowledge and skill working, but this one.....hmmmm :confused:

Anyway, had a Bowen's therapy and next day I couldn't get out of bed, it was like I had flu; real flu the kind that takes weeks to get over, and I burned and chilled and felt like death warmed up.
Next morning I got up and it was as though I'd lost 20 years of aches :D No pain, free movement, energetic and sort of euphoric too.

Graywolf if your pain is so bad, has become a constant companion why not give it a go? It surprised the h3ll out of me that it worked. When the arthritis gets really bad and won't settle I go back and visit my friend again, and again I have a day of misery and then the next morning life's good. It's almost as though something she does switches on some sort of current that burns out the aches and lets my body heal itself.

Told you it was off the wall :eek:



Jul 16, 2004
Gåskrikki North Lincs
Ref. Toddys tenpennorth.
I dont reckon anything is off-the-wall, if it makes you feel a little better.
Theres far too many walking examples of folk who would, otherwise, be in a right old state.

eg. Copper bracelets are something that a lot of folk swear by (me included) for aches and pains.......lot of folk dont, just swear at .

My tenpennorth.


Final remark editted out; insensitive and out of order, my apolls to anyone who read it.

pierre girard

Need to contact Admin...
Dec 28, 2005
Hunter Lake, MN USA
Spacemonkey said:
Is it best to simply see a GP (which I don't have and has been useless for this in the past. They just prescribe Ibuprofen (gee, hadn't thought of that!) or if I'm lucky a trip to the physiotherapist which has again proved useless) or to try a Chiropractor, Osteopath or anything else? Do all Chiropractors have access to Xray equipment for correct diagnosis???

Has anyone experiences with similar problems and cures/treatments?

Any ideas?

I always thought chiropractors were quacks until I drove a squad off a cliff a number of years ago. I woke up one morning. shortly thereafter and my brother had to come over and lift me out of bed and carry me out to the car. He took me to a chiropractor. I was carried in and walked out under my own power. I now know a good chiropractor is worth his weight in gold.

My father had back problems years ago. He is always lifting too much. His doctor told him to do leg lifts. He does 100 every morning, and has never had back problems since.

Jan 18, 2005
Sounds like a prolapsing disk in your sacrum/lumber region. The disk is coming out between the vertabrea and pressing on to one of you siatic nerves and causing the leg pain. Its very common. the best cure is to controll the severity and duration of the pain is to exercise gently in the begining untill the pain lessens then do some back strengthening exercises to stop it coming back. if the pain is acute right now go and see you doctor and get some anti-inflamatories, pain killers and some Diazapalm



I've had back pain on and of for years since a RTA where someone drove into the back of us while we were stationary.

I got a small TENs unit a while ago and I was quite impressed by the results.

These things cost about 30 quid on the internet and I have found, for some reason I can't fathom, that not only has it helped with the pain while being used but I also seem to get fewer episodes of pain at other times.

Apparently these things do not work for everyone but I'm certainly a fan.


Full Member
Aug 28, 2004
Isle of Wight
Wayland said:
I've had back pain on and of for years since a RTA where someone drove into the back of us while we were stationary.

I got a small TENs unit a while ago and I was quite impressed by the results.

These things cost about 30 quid on the internet and I have found, for some reason I can't fathom, that not only has it helped with the pain while being used but I also seem to get fewer episodes of pain at other times.

Apparently these things do not work for everyone but I'm certainly a fan.
As long as you get the right diagnosis and don't miss anything more serious, then I second the tens machine and if you are lucky and it works, it means that you don't have to be half stoned on diazepam or have a gut inflamed by anti-inflamatory drugs.


Mar 5, 2005
I used to suffer regularly from bad back pain until I took up Kayaking. Now the only time I have back problems is when I've missed out on paddling for a couple of weeks.
Other people I know have reported similar experiences. Paddling seems to strengthen your stomach muscles.


Sep 6, 2005
South Northants
As someone has already said, a good Chiropractor is worth his/her weight in gold. I've had a recurrent back problem since an accident when I was 19 and nothing helped for years. Whilst struggling to remain composed during the Liberty and Livelehood March in London (I was living on painkillers just to remain upright, my back was giving me hell) a good friend saw the state I was in a recomended a good local Chiro. On my first visit to him a day or two later I took 20 minutes to get from my car into his surgery (a walk of no more than 30 yards with 3 steps to climb) but walked out as if nothing had ever been wrong. Whenever the problem re-occurs now I simply make an appointment for asap and get the job sorted. The pain the guy relieves me of would make it worth my while going even if he suddenly added a Zero to his bill.


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